DHA Suffa University offers undergraduate, graduate and doctoral programs in Engineering, Computer Science, Management Sciences, Humanities and Social Sciences and newly launched programs BS Business Analytics & Programming, BS Computational & Industrial Mathematics, BS Accounting & Finance, BS Software Engineering, BS Data Sciences, BE Civil Engineering, BS International Relations, BS English and BS Psychology. Typically, an Undergraduate degree lasts four years, comprises of 8 semesters and total from 130 to 140 credit hours. The Master programs may last 2 to 3 years with compulsory and elective course credit hours. Furthermore, PhD programs consist of total course work of 18 credit hours, research thesis: 36 credit hours, proposal defence and thesis defence.
To provide students with engineering knowledge and skills by offering undergraduate and graduate degree programs of high international standard in a conducive environment that promotes active learning and research.

To provide students with engineering knowledge and skills by offering undergraduate and graduate degree programs of high international standard in a conducive environment that promotes active learning and research.
Standing in the heart of DHA City Karachi, the Civil Engineering Department serves as the living lab for its students by providing them an unmatched learning environment during the four years of their studies.

The Computer Science aims to produce outstanding computer specialists to meet the require-ments of the job market and add value to the field of Information Technology.
The objective of the SE program is to provide the students a platform where they can not only learn the fundamentals of SE. But also equip themselves with the most recent SE advancements.

BS (Data Science) has a dual emphasis on basic principles of statistics and computer science, with foundational training in statistical and mathematical aspects of data analysis. This program develops a foundation on broad computer science principles, including algorithms, data structures, data management and machine learning.
Business Administration
We aspire to become a globally acknowledged business institution with a transformative influence on society through creation of knowledge and mentoring of future nation builders.

BS (BAP) aims to produce graduates who possess an analytical mindset and are keen to lead in the corporate sector by integrating data analytics, programming, digital globalization and business fundamentals.
The BS (Accounting & Finance) is a highly specialized degree, preparing the graduate as having expertise in Accountancy and Finance. The program is designed to develop knowledge, skills, and abilities that will enable a student to cope successfully with the challenges of a rapidly evolving, global business and financial environment.

DHA Suffa University proudly launches BS English (language and literature). The programme aims at honing critical, analytical and rational faculties of students; exposing them to a wide variety of intellectually stimulating and aesthetically appealing texts. The methodical approach is eclectic; offering courses in classical, modern, postmodern and contemporary literature.
International Relations (IR) as a course of study reflects the dynamics of the International System. IR is a broad discipline therefore described as ‘a fusion of social science disciplines’.

The Psychology Program offers a unique scheme of study drawn from a broad spectrum of core courses in psychology to allow students to work across conventional boundaries. The program aims at equipping students with requisite critical and creative skills. The courses seek to impart solid grounding in Industrial, Cognitive, Social, and Developmental Psychology.