Industrial trip to English Biscuit Manufacturers (Pvt) Ltd.

An industrial trip to English Biscuit Manufacturers (Pvt) Ltd. was arranged for the students of BBA-4 and BBA-5 of Management Sciences Department on Saturday, April 27th 2019. Under the supervision of Ms. Erum Fatima and Ms. Bushra Mahmood, the students visited EBM factory where they were able to observe the processes and understand the practical aspects of concepts studied in the courses of Principles of Marketing, Marketing Management and Production & Operations Management. Students were divided into groups and a company representative guided them through the whole process of biscuit manufacturing, where in, the representatives explained each process in detail, from raw material to finished good to its packaging and labeling. The tour was interactive where the representatives were answering questions put forward by the students. The students learnt about the sales forecast process and how that drives production process, the peak sales seasons, the highest selling brands of EBM and their market share, the distribution channel, retail statistics and most importantly how EBM creates superior value for its customers thereby capturing the position of the leading biscuit manufacturer in Pakistan.

The trip was a great learning opportunity for students as it helped students relate many concepts studied in classroom to real setting.



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