DHA Suffa University conducted a Self-Institutional Performance Evaluation (IPE) on April 11 and 12, 2019. The objective of the IPE was to self-evaluate the performance effectiveness of the university based on 11 Quality Standards defined in IPE Manual of HEC. The standards outline major areas that higher education institutions need to focus on in order to secure recognition for good governance and quality education.
The IPE panel comprised of one external reviewer (Prof. Dr. A. Razak Mahar, Director QEC, Shah Abdul Latif University) and two internal reviewers (Dr. Haider Ali, Head, Department of Mechanical Engineering and Engr. Abdul Waheed, Controller of Examinations).
The review process commenced with a brief introduction of the university processes and a presentation on the Compliance Report of IPE 2017-18 by Engr. Akhtar Nadyme (Director QEC). Afterwards, the University Portfolio Report (UPR) along with evidences of responses to questions listed under the 11 Quality Standards was thoroughly reviewed by the IPE panel.
The second day of the IPE was dedicated to meeting the academic and administrative heads of departments, faculty members and students to examine the quality of processes at DHA Suffa University. The panel also toured the campus and visited the library, classrooms and laboratories to observe the facilities available on campus. The panel appreciated the efforts of DHA Suffa University in maintaining and enhancing the culture of quality.
The self-review process was facilitated by the QEC at DHA Suffa University in collaboration with all the academic and administrative departments.