DSU’s IERC (International Education Resource Center) organized an information session on USEFP’s UGRAD Semester Exchange program as well as US Fulbright Scholarships, on 7th November 2019. A senior representative from USEFP (United States Educational Foundation in Pakistan) gave a talk on higher education opportunities in USA and apprised students of the application and selection procedures for the UGRAD Semester Exchange Program as well as Fulbright scholarships for graduate studies.
This information session was an excellent opportunity for DSU’s undergraduate students currently applying to USEFP’s UGRAD Semester Exchange 2020 program, to seek clarifications to queries related to their applications. It was also a forum for DSU’s students considering USA as a possible destination for Postgraduate studies to learn about USEFP’s Fulbright scholarship program and its pre-requisite requirements including GRE.