Major Final Year Projects (FYPs) Achievements by Students in 2020:
1) FYP Publications by Electrical Engineering Students presented in renowned International Conferences Icetas Malaysia and IEEE T.E.C Chicago USA.
2) 5 FYPs of EE Participation in International Project Competition, Istanbul Turkey Teknofest İstanbul TeknoFest 2020
3) Ignite – National Technology Fund Funding of EE FYPs
4) FYP Ideas pitched by Electrical Engineering Students in Startup Pitchfest 2020
In EE@DSU students are free to discuss and choose their projects of local or international nature and are challenged to work on cutting-edge technologies and tools to bring effective and efficient solutions to ensure their success in professional life. Our students have successfully developed solutions for real world problems based on emerging technologies such as Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence, Data Science, Industry 4.0.
DSU EE FYPs showcase the skills of our graduates to use engineering, sciences, and technology for real world problems. Students are exposed to the real world challenges like water crisis, energy management issues, transportation, Leak Detection in pipelines, Monitoring and control of energy systems, Design and Development of Electric Vehicle, Energy Trading, Vertical Landing and Takeoff Vehicle, Intelligent Solutions using Image Processing, Predictive Maintenance of Electrical Machines, and Plants, Industrial Internet of Things to realize the Digital Transformation for Industries.
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