DHA Suffa University Receives the Prestigious QAA-HEC Award for Excellent Performance

The QEC Team of DHA Suffa University has been conferred upon the prestigious annual performance award by the Quality Assurance Agency of Higher Education Commission (QAA-HEC) of Pakistan for Excellent Performance at the Annual Progress Review Meeting held at Aga Khan University, Karachi on March 11 and 12, 2021.

The award recognizes Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) of Pakistan that have demonstrated consistent high performance and commitment to enhancing the culture of quality education in Pakistan. The Yearly Progress Report (YPR) is an annual assessment of HEIs carried out by QAA-HEC for their performance against predefined quality parameters. The assessment score is based on the extent to which the universities fulfill these parameters.

DHA Suffa University holds the distinction of consistent high performance on YPR and has remained among the top HEIs. This reflects the commitment of DSU’s management in providing a transparent and progressive outlook of the academic setup based on the latest benchmarks for quality education in a rapidly evolving academic landscape.

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