International Relations Program invited Syed Owais Ahmed who is an Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) leader and senior coordinator at United Nations office of Projects and Services (UNOPS), New York. The session was arranged on interest and recommendation of Pro VC DHA Suffa University, Dr. Ahmed Saeed Minhas with an objective of having a session for the students of International Relations, Computer Science and Management Sciences about the challenges and prospects of working with an international organization. Syed explained the United Nations common systems and the procedure to get into it. He shared his experiences of more than two decades of working in various international organizations including UNO. He appreciated DHA Suffa University for providing their students avenues to explore and to develop better through such interactive sessions with field practitioners and successful professionals.
The session was attended by the limited number of students and Faculty members with complete observance of COVID 19 SOPs. Dean DHA Suffa University Dr. Johar K. Farooq delivered a thank you note to the honourable guest with a wish for having future coordination and collaboration with DHA Suffa University in the areas of common interest. Ms. Sidra Ahmed, program coordinator International Relations and session organizer also shared her views about the need for having more informative and illuminating sessions by the reputed and seasoned professionals at university for a better exposure and learning of students and Faculty.