Avail the opportunity of a free international certification through Coursera

Dear Students,
Given that summer semester is in full swing, and hopefully you have more time now, I would request for you to please consider availing the opportunity of a free international certification through Coursera.
As you all know, DHA Suffa University has partnered with Coursera in January this year. As per our agreement, all students can avail 1 free certification (cost of earning a Coursera course without availing this partnership facility is $50). This partnership is valid till January 2022.
Information on how to sign up for Coursera courses can be viewed at www.dsu.edu.pk/dsu-coursera/
Benefits of benefits of taking Coursera courses include:
* Learning in demand technology and business skills
* Interactive online learning facilities
* Students can earn job relevant certifications which will help them in the job market
For further information or queries, you contact may contact PDC Coordinator, Mr. Noman Bashir at noman.bashir@dsu.edu.pk . His phone extension is 206.
We look forward to you availing this opportunity.

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