DSU’s IERC (International Education Resource Center) would like to bring to the attention of all female students of DHA Suffa University that applications are currently open for the US-Sister2Sister Exchange Program 2022. The application deadline is 15th-December-2021. Under this program, female students enrolled at a Pakistani university will have the opportunity to go USA, to participate in US university undergraduate courses in mostly Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics (STEM) fields. The Sister2Sister Exchange Program covers full tuition fee, travel cost to and from USA, Health insurance, Accommodation & food expense as well as Visa Fee. This is an excellent opportunity for DSU’s female students to acquire international exposure.
DSU’s Female Students enrolled in various degree programs at DSU are strongly encouraged to apply. For any support that they need in preparing & submitting their online application, they are welcome to contact DSU’s IERC Directorate.