The QEC Department of the University hosted a national seminar on Quality Benchmarking for Teaching & Learning in Higher Education on 8th February 2023. The objective of the seminar was to explore various strategies for setting and measuring the quality of teaching and learning in higher education institutions. QECs from all over Pakistan participated in this seminar on-campus as well as online. One of the speakers Mr. Imranullah Khan Marwat (Director Quality Assurance, Higher Education Department, KP HEC) joined the seminar online from Peshawar. The keynote talk was delivered by Dr. Muhammad Abdul Wahid Usmani (Director QEC, Jinnah Sindh Medical University).
The seminar commenced with Mr. Marwat’s session focused on best practices of academic administration in teaching and learning. Mr. Marwat discussed the key foundational quality concepts and terminologies that led to an in-depth dialogue on benchmarking for continuous improvement, academic management in higher education institutions in relation to teaching and learning, various modes of assessment, and the challenges faced by higher education institutions with reference to quality assurance.
The second session by Dr. Usmani focused on best practices in quality assurance of teaching and learning at DAIs. Dr. Usmani discussed the core domains of best practices including curriculum, students, faculty, assessment, management, and learning environment and resources. He apprised the participants of various benchmarking tools that can be used by higher education institutions to gauge quality. These included matrix for mapping Program Learning Outcomes, developing SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound) Learning Outcomes, and Table of Specification. He also discussed the various questions/prompts that higher education institutions should ask themselves in order to assess their quality of teaching and learning.
The seminar was kept interactive and participants were encouraged to ask questions and share feedback regarding best practices of quality assurance being observed at their respective institutions. The seminar ended with a vote of thanks to the participants and guest speakers by the honorable Vice Chancellor Engr. Prof. Dr. Muhammad Afzal Haque. The seminar offered a good networking opportunity to participants over refreshments.
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