DHA Suffa University is an equal opportunity institution with merit being the sole criteria for admission. It ensures that no student, qualifying for admission, is denied high quality education at DSU due to his / her inability to bear the cost. In order to fulfill this commitment, the University offers following facilities for the benefit of its students:
Merit-Based Scholarships
Students securing first/second/third position in the Intermediate Board Examinations are eligible for 90% Merit Scholarship in the first semester. Academically outstanding students are given Merit Scholarships of varying amount starting from second semester onwards, based on the results of the preceding semester as per rules.
Need-Based Scholarships
Students with financial constraints may apply on the prescribed form available on DSU website or in the Registration Department, DSU (Room No. GF-23)
Contact Person
Ms. Arshia Haqqani, Assistant Registrar (Academics)
Phone # 021-35244858
Cell # 0302-0241679
Mr. Elwyn Mathews, Finance Department
Phone # 0214-35244861
Interest-Free Loan
Students with financial constraints may apply on the prescribed form available on DSU website or in the Registration Department, DSU (Room No. GF-23)
Special Scholarships in Master and PhD Programs
• 50% waiver in tuition fee in the first semester for a Master or PhD student, if he/she has 3.5 or more CGPA in semester system or 80% marks or more in annual examination in the last degree from HEC recognized university.
• Merit Scholarship from semester two onwards
• 50% concession in tuition fee for Armed Forces Personnel (serving/retired) in Master and PhD programs
• 50% concession in tuition fee for DHA employees in Master and PhD programs
• Admissions fee waiver for DSU Alumni and 25% waiver in tuition fee for taking admission in any of the DSU’s Master and PhD Programs
Contact Person
Ms. Rabia Mumtaz, Manager Postgraduate Programs