1. Admissions will be conducted twice a year.

2. At the time of granting new admissions, University will invite applications through advertisement in major national newspapers, University website, social networking websites etc.

3. Candidates applying for admission to University are required to submit an application complete in all respects. Admission/enrollment in any program will be limited to the number of students who can be accommodated.

4. Applicants for admission must meet the relevant academic qualifications required for the program being applied for. These qualifications will be determined by the Academic Council and will be notified from time to time.

5. Admission will be granted subject to the following conditions:

a) Applicants who are waiting for the announcement of the results will be granted admission, provisionally and conditionally, based on the result of parts already completed successfully;

b) Applicants admitted conditionally, will have to submit their marks sheet within one month of declaration of the results and upon declaration of the result, if the applicant fails to achieve the basic eligibility criteria, he/she will stand automatically disqualified and his/her admission shall stand cancelled;

c) Supplementary in any subject will be considered as failing the examination even if the candidate has obtained the minimum requirement of division/grade and therefore admission of such students will be cancelled immediately on declaration of result; and

d) All admissions will remain provisional till the successful verification of the original academic documents submitted by the applicant with his/her admission application.


1. Candidate for admission to a Bachelors’ Degree program must fulfill the eligibility criteria prescribed by DHA Suffa University and, as applicable, those of Higher Education Commission (HEC)/Pakistan Medical & Dental Council (PMDC)/Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC) and other relevant regulatory bodies, as amended from time to time. Pre-requisites for eligibility of candidates for admission shall be announced through the prospectus/newspapers or website.
It shall be the candidate’s own responsibility to get the equivalence established through Inter Board Committee of Chairmen, Islamabad (IBCC) or its Camp Office at Karachi.

2. Candidate for admission to a Bachelors’ Degree program must be up to the medical standards which shall allow the student to go through the intense studies and training in the University.


1. Merit for admissions shall be determined on the basis of the University’s Entrance Test and applicant past academic record. If required, an interview along with any other criteria, as laid down from time to time by the University, may also be prescribed.

2. All admissions shall be recommended by the University Admissions Committee for the approval of the Vice Chancellor. The University Admissions Committee shall comprise of the following:

Dean of the Faculty – President
Heads of all Departments in the Faculty – Members
Registrar – Member/Secretary

3. The Admissions Committee shall be responsible for ensuring smooth conduct of the admissions process and for ensuring compliance of DSU policies on the subject. It shall ensure that the admissions criteria are strictly followed.

4. Each selected candidate will be issued an “Admission Offer Letter” by the Admissions Office.


1. Migration of a student will only be allowed from the HEC recognized institutions/ universities with minimum CGPA 2.50 / 4.0 subject to the approval of the University. No migration will be allowed in one-year programs. Students desiring to migrate to the University are required to produce an NOC from their previous institute/university.

2. Transfer of Credits for courses taken at other institutions will be considered on the basis of course contents, Credit Hours and basic eligibility criteria. The Equivalence Committee will make a recommendation on the case to Dean of the Faculty. Credits will be transferred subject to following conditions:

a)   a maximum of 50% of the total credits in the program to which transfer is sought can be transferred;

b)   only those courses will be transferred where the original earned grade is ‘C’ or better for undergraduate programs and ‘B’ or better for graduate programs;

c)    transferred courses are not to be used in calculating student’s CGPA at DSU; and

d)    students with transferred courses will not be eligible for award of medals except where exempted as per rules.

3. The migration and transfer of credits policy shall not violate the regulations of HEC/PEC or any other accreditation body.

4. Cases for Migration will require approval of the Vice Chancellor and Transfer of Credits will require the approval of the Dean of the Faculty. In both cases, the Registrar will issue notification of approval.

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