DSU Events

What's happening at DSU

Session on “Design and Applications of Central Processing Units (CPUs)”

On Tuesday, 23rd November 2021, the Department of Management…

NCEAC Accreditation Visit for BS (CS) Program of DHA Suffa University

The NCEAC Accreditation Team visited the Department of Computer…

The MoU signing ceremony between DHA Suffa University and Woot Tech

DHA Suffa University & Woot Tech Pvt Ltd inked in a MoU for…

Motivational talk on “Principles of Success” by Inzamam-Ul-Haq

Motivational talk by Inzamam-Ul-Haq was organized by Director…

MOU Signing Ceremony with Dr. Essa Laboratory & Diagnostics Centre

On 11th Nov 2021, DHA Suffa University (DSU) signed an MOU with…