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Semester Course Title Course Code Credit Hours I Introduction to Computing and Programming EE-1011 3 Introduction to Computing and Programming Lab EE-1011L 1 Calculus and Analytical Geometry BS-1301 3 Applied Physics BS-1101 3 Applied Physics Lab BS-1101L 1 Electrical Workshop Practices EE-1012 1 English Composition HU-1001 3 Linear Algebra BS-1302 3 English Composition HU-1001 3 […]

Semester 1 S.No. Course Title Credit Hours 1 Elective 1 3 2 Elective 2 3 3 Elective 3 3 Total 9 Semester 2 Course Title Credit Hours 4 Elective 4 3 5 Elective 5 3 6 Elective 6 3 Total 6 Semester 3 Course Title Credit Hours 7 Written Comprehensive Exam & Proposal Defence – […]

  S .No Course Title Credit Hours Semester 1 1 Elective 1 3 2 Elective 2 3 3 Elective 3 3 S .No Course Title Credit Hours Semester 2 4 Elective 4 3 5 Elective 5 3 6 Elective 6 3 S .No Course Title Credit Hours Semester 3 7 PhD Comprehensive Exam – Semester […]

Semester Course Title Course Code Core Credits Hours I Advanced Analysis of Algorithms CS-5001 Y 3 Advanced Theory of Computation CS-5002 Y 3 MS(CS) Elective 1 CS-5XXX N 3 Research Methodology CS-5000 Y 1 total 10 Semester Course Title Course Code Core Credits Hours II Advanced Computer Architecture CS-5003 Y 3 Advanced Operating Systems CS-5004 […]

HEC Proposed study plan for BS (Software Engineering) 4-Year Program (8 Regular Semesters of 18 weeks each). Semester Course Title Course Code Credit Hours Pre-requisite I Introduction to Information and Communication Technology SE-1201 2+1 — Programming Fundamentals SE-1001 3+1 — English Composition & Comprehension HU-1001 3+0 — Calculus & Analytical Geometry BS-1301 3+0 — Pakistan […]