Seminar on “Post COVID-19 Global Supply Chain Crisis”

Google Developer Student Club Wins Hackathon

On 11th December 2021, The core team at GDSC@DSU participated in the DevFest Karachi 2021, a conference organized for tech enthusiasts passionate to share their knowledge about Google Web, AI, and Cloud technologies where GDSC-DSU core team member Syeda Wardha Haider, a second-semester student at Software Engineering Department won 2nd Prize in Women’s Online safety Hackathon, besides being a sophomore at the campus she marks the history of becoming the first girl to win a hackathon from DHA Suffa University.

The Hackathon was a Product Track focused on Women’s Online Safety and Solving work harassment problems using design and modern technology to build a better culture and a healthy workplace. The distinguished judges who joined the ceremony was Umer Abdullah, Solutions Engineer at Google and Hufsa Munawar currently the Community Manager for the GDSC Team in the SEA region at Google.

Where GDSC Lead (Hassam Jawed) along with other core team members was also present at the DevFest ceremony. After the post COVID-pandemic world, this is the first win from the department of Computer Science at DHA Suffa University, where the continuous support of the Faculty members, distinguished Pro-Vice-Chancellor, and our Faculty advisor Ms. Eram Abbasi cannot be forgotten. The GDSC Core team has planned to launch coding boot camps after the mid-term examination and encourages every coding enthusiast to apply for the Bootcamp.

QA Awareness Seminars for the Students of Computer Science Department

On 25th November 2021, a series of quality assurance awareness seminars was conducted for the first semester students of Computer Science Department by Mr. Asif Rafiq (QEC Coordinator, CS). The seminars focused on the IQA mechanism, self-assessment of programs, HEC’s self-assessment criteria and the self-assessment model to help students understand a holistic approach to how quality is maintained at institutional and departmental level. The importance of feedback and survey forms was also emphasized and how they help with assessment was discussed. In the end, the outcomes of assessment were explained to the students. The seminars were kept interactive to encourage participation of students.


DSU’s IERC would like to inform DSU’s final year students and alumni that applications for the Chinese Government Scholarship Program for 2022-2023 are presently open. The relevant details are available in the attached flyer. This Chinese Government Scholarship is for MS & PhD studies in various fields in China. DSU’s final year undergraduate students & alumni are strongly encouraged to apply.

International Scholarships for Foreign Postgraduate Studies (2022-23)

Link for more details:


Grand Launch of Google Developers Student Club at DSU

Presenting you the highlights of the Grand Launch of Google Developers Student Club at DHA Suffa University