BS International Relations at DSU

Dear IR aspirants!!

International Relations Program at DHA Suffa University is awaiting to welcome you all as another inspiring and brilliant batch of IR.

Study IR to know your world, your place and your identity!!



DSU’s IERC (International Education Resource Center) would like to bring to the attention of DSU’s graduate students as well as alumni that the Call for Applications for the HONG KONG PhD FELLOWSHIP SCHEME 2022/23 is presently open and the application deadline is 1st-December-2021.  The Hong Kong Universities participating in this PhD Fellowship programme and the application procedure to apply for this PhD Fellowship can be found on the following link:

Summer Camp DCK Campus

Mechanical Engineering at DSU

The faculty of Mechanical Engineering boasts of an accomplished and highly qualified pool of scholars, researchers and practical engineers. The faculty brings together a world of experience from Europe, North America, Middle and South East Asia enabling the latest knowledge and expertise to be available to students of the Mechanical Engineering Department at DHA Suffa University.

Designing and Fabrication of a Thermoelectric Refrigerator

Students of Batch 2017 designed and fabricated a thermoelectric refrigerator as their Final Year Project. They recorded the entire process they undertook in order to fabricate their FYP, which can be viewed in the video. They secured funding from “Ignite” during their FYP as well as were successful in publishing a paper in IEEE Conference


DSU’s IERC would like to bring to the attention of DSU’s students and alumni that JKF Academy is offering Turkish language courses at their DHA Phase 7 campus. Those DSU students who would like to learn Turkish language are kindly requested to contact JKF Academy on the contact numbers mentioned on the flyer. This is an excellent opportunity to learn Turkish language for those DSU’s students and alumni who are considering Turkey as a destination for postgraduate studies.

JKF Academy has been kind enough to extend this special offer to DSU students, whereby, they can attend the first demo Turkish language class at JKF Academy free of cost.