DSU’s IERC (International Education Resource Center) would like to bring to the attention of DSU’s faculty, researchers as well as alumni, that USEFP (United States Education Foundation of Pakistan) is presently accepting applications for the Fulbright Scholar Program 2022. The application deadline is 10th-November-2021.  This is a one year fully funded program which funds up to 12 months of lectureship and postdoctoral research in USA.  More details can be found in the attached flyer and on the provided link.

Link:  https://usefp.org/Programs/documents/FulbrightScholarFlyer2022.jpg

Team DSU Burraq

Team DSU Burraq is a formula student team which was formed back in 2015. The team debuted at FSAE Australasia in 2016 and was the first team to raise Pakistani Flag AT FSAE. The video highlights the hard work put in by each member of the team from fabrication of the car till the actual event.

Vector Control of AC Machines (FYP)

It is a matter of great pride for DSU that the Final Year Project of its Electrical Engineering students on Vector Control of AC Machines has secured National Level Ignite – National Technology Funding. At DSU’s Dept. of EE we encourage students to apply their engineering knowledge and skill set to projects having direct industrial relevance and projects that are done in liaison with the industrial sector. In addition to remaining abreast with cutting-edge technology, through these FYPs our students acquire project management skills and the ability to be effective team players, which grooms them for Engineering Management roles in their future professional careers.

Apply Online: http://admissions.dsu.edu.pk/apply/apply_online.php

YouTube Channel: http://www.youtube.com/c/EEDeptDSU

Small Scale Solar Desalination System (FYP)

Students of Batch 2015 designed and fabricated a Small Scale Solar Desalination System as their Final Year Project. They recorded the entire process they undertook in order to fabricate their FYP, which can be viewed in the video