Collected Works on Foreign Affairs & Security Policy

Author: Huma Baqai

12th September, 2023
Auditorium, DHA Suffa University


Day 2 of the Faculty Development Program was filled with enlightening sessions and insightful discussions. Here are the highlights:

🎤 Dr. Valiuddin, Vice Chancellor of Sir Syed University, commenced the day’s proceedings with an engaging talk on leadership and academic administration. His expertise and valuable insights provided the attendees with a deeper understanding of effective leadership practices within educational institutions.

🎤 The next speaker, Dr. Altaf Mukati, Vice President of Szabist, shed light on the challenges prevalent in our education system and offered practical remedies to address them. His thought-provoking session sparked meaningful discussions among the participants, fostering an atmosphere of collaborative problem-solving.

🎤 Dr. Tariq Somro, Rector of IoBM, took the stage for the last session, sharing his extensive knowledge on achieving professionalism in academia. His presentation encompassed various aspects, including research ethics, teaching methodologies, and professional development opportunities. The attendees gained valuable insights to enhance their professional growth.

🗣️ To encourage active participation and engagement, a Q&A session was conducted, allowing the participants to seek clarifications, share their thoughts, and engage in fruitful discussions with the esteemed speakers. This interactive segment added immense value to the Faculty Development Program.

🔖 The program concluded with a closing address by the Vice Chancellor of DHA Suffa University, who delivered conclusive remarks summarizing the key takeaways from the sessions. His insightful reflections reinforced the significance of continuous professional development and the importance of implementing the knowledge gained during the program.

🏆 As a token of appreciation, mementos were presented to the honorable guests, acknowledging their valuable contributions to the Faculty Development Program. Their expertise and dedication to the field of education served as an inspiration to all the participants.

🌟 The Faculty Development Program proved to be a remarkable platform for academic professionals to exchange ideas, gain valuable insights, and enhance their skills. The event undoubtedly played a pivotal role in nurturing a culture of continuous learning and professional growth within the educational community.

Exploring the Future of Engineering!

DHA Suffa University opened its doors for an exciting Open House session on August 23rd, 2023. The campus buzzed with excitement as we welcomed talented DAE students with their faculty, particularly from the Mechanical Engineering background, to experience a glimpse of their potential future.

Students immersed themselves in interactive displays, engaging conversations, and live QnA with Mechanical Engineering Faculty Members.

A big thank you to all the inquisitive minds who joined us, making this Open House a memorable event. Together, we’re shaping tomorrow’s engineers and pushing the boundaries of innovation. Stay tuned for more exciting journeys into the world of knowledge and creation!


Center for International Strategic Studies Sindh (CISSS) in Collaboration with DHA Suffa University (DSU) invite to the Book Launch of

Dr. Huma Baqai’s Book:
“Collected Works on Foreign Affairs and Security Policy”

Date: 12th September 2023
Timings: 11:30 am – 1:30 pm
Venue: Auditorium, DHA Suffa University


The PCT and Youth Project aims to create a level-playing field in terms of awareness through knowledge dissemination and capacity-building on the international patent system and other related services provided by IPO for the young innovators, researchers, students, entrepreneurs and lawyers in Pakistan and Bangladesh, emphasizing the PCT as a tool to seek international protection. The targeted audience for this project is bachelor, masters and doctoral students specializing in science, technology, business and law, young entrepreneurs from national incubations centers, science and technology parks, start-ups, spin-offs, and young lawyers from local law firms.

These webinars will be conducted free of cost, online on Zoom platform on September 4 and 5, 2023 at 9:30-12:30 hrs. Geneva, Switzerland time (12:30 -15:30 hrs. Pakistan time, 13:30-16:30 hrs. Bangladesh time).
Please find the attached program (PDF) for more details about the time for each topic with speakers/experts from WIPO, IPO-Pakistan and DPDT-Bangladesh.

Please use the following recurring Zoom webinar link to register yourself. You only need to provide your name and active email address for this registration:

Registration Zoom link for both webinars:


It brings us great pleasure to announce that DSU and PNRA have signed a memorandum of understanding for collaboration in the fields of research and industrial safety on 31st August, 2023. Under the terms of the MOU, PNRA and the university will work together on projects and initiatives that will benefit students, researchers, and the wider community.

This collaboration will allow students to gain hands-on experience in their fields of study, provide opportunities for faculty to collaborate on research projects, and enhance the overall technology landscape of Pakistan.

The MOU also provides a framework for the exchange of knowledge, resources, and expertise between the two organizations.

Mr. Waqas Sherani, ADG (International Cooperation and HR)said, “This MOU is a major step forward in our ongoing commitment to providing both parties with the best way forward. Our partnership will provide students and faculty with the chance to work with some of the most innovative technology and gain valuable experience that will help them succeed in their careers.”

DHA Suffa University is committed to providing students with the best possible education and experiences, and this partnership with PNRA is a major step forward in that mission.

Both organizations are excited to see the results of this collaboration and look forward to working together to drive innovation and technology forward.