Population Services International and National Incubation Center, Karachi visited DSU

On 9th June, members of  Population Services International, PSI Pakistan, and National Incubation Center, Karachi visited DHA Suffa University to create awareness about their upcoming Make Space Hackathon. Syeda Aimman Saeed, Assistant Program Manager at PSI, talked about the population crisis and how they are trying to resolve it through their hackathon.

It was an interesting session as students were curious to know about the innovative solutions that can resolve population crisis in Pakistan. The session ended with Dr. Eram Abbasi, Director CEID, answering queries about the hackathon and its importance in Pakistan.

Interview of Director PDC with Jehan Newspaper

Visit to Herbion Pakistan

We at DHA Suffa University firmly believe that students can learn more by interacting with experts in their field. For this purpose, many educational visits are organized at DHA Suffa University to make students more aware of the current practices being followed in the industry. The Management Sciences Department arranged a visit to Herbion Pakistan to provide students with a hands-on learning experience in Supply Chain Management. Students visited Herbion premises on 8th June 2022 where they were given a warm welcome by the management followed by a very interactive session by the Head of Supply Chain and Head of Human Resources.

The Head of the Supply Chain department explained the concept of an extended supply chain and all the different elements involved in it. He also told students about the importance of planning in the supply chain and the problems faced by the company during COVID 19 and how Herbion countered them. Lastly, he guided students in the different areas where they can pursue their careers in Supply Chain Department. It was an interactive session with the supply chain head and students questioned him on different concepts and cleared their queries.

The lecture of Head of Human Resources was followed by the lecture of Head of Supply Chain. She informed students about the Human Resources practices at Herbion and encouraged them to apply for internships as those students who complete their internships with a good recommendation from their immediate supervisors stand a good chance of getting a job at Herbion. The Head of Human Resources also showed a corporate movie enlightening students about the company and the community support program that they are doing at Herbion.

Lastly, the students were taken for a visit to the raw material packaging store to get an idea of how raw materials are managed at the store. The students thoroughly enjoyed the visit and were thankful to Herbion management for providing them with a very good learning experience.

Career counselling event titled “And Sky is Not the Limit”

Literary Society and the English Program arranged a career counselling event titled “And Sky is Not the Limit” addressed by a renowned grammarian, writer and civil servant, Ms. Bakhtawar Saario.


Pre- launch session of IR Club

Another Pre- launch session of IR Club held on 13th of June
Invitees: Team AIESEC
Attendees: BS IR Students and Faculty
Aim: AIESEC is a global platform for young people to develop their leadership potential through practical experiences of many kinds, including internships, volunteering opportunities, corporate interns and more.
Prospects: to inculcate global leadership, social responsibility, social and interpersonal skills among students from age 18-30 years.
Organized by: IR Club

Industrial trip to KTDMC

An industrial trip to KTDMC was arranged for the students of semester IV students enrolled in the Manufacturing Engineering course of the Mechanical Engineering Department on Friday, June 10, 2022. Under the supervision of Engr. Safa Sattar and Engr. Musab Naseem the students visited KTDMC where they were able to observe the die and mould making processes. A company representative guided the students through the design related challenges, reverse engineering of Molds and dies. Students also observed material removal processes such as milling and turning related processes and Electric Discharge Machining (EDM) processes. The trip was a great learning opportunity for students as it helped students relate many concepts studied
in the classroom to real life settings.