Assertiveness & Criticism in Professional and Personal Life – Session by Ms. Farah Sadiq Khan

Under the supervision of Ms. Tehseen Azhar- Director of Alumni Relations & Senior Lecturer MS, a guest speaker session was conducted by Ms. Farah Sadiq Khan – Head of Marketing and Creative Services – BoloBlast Marketing Pvt. Ltd. on ‘Assertiveness & Criticism in Professional and Personal Life’. The session took place at DSU’s Executive Lecture Theatre (ELT) on Friday, 20th May 2022, for the students of the Professional Development course (BBA VII). Ms. Farah Sadiq Khan has 8+ years of industry experience with proven expertise in Team leadership, People Management and staff training & development, among others.

She gave students real-life examples of how assertiveness maintains the right balance in Personal and Professional life. She then explained criticism and its types in detail, with examples of how they can convert it for their positive development and growth. During the Q/A session, she gave her valuable insights regarding when and how to be assertive in certain situations in their professional life.

At the end of this valuable session, Ms. Tehseen Azhar presented a memento to Ms. Farah Sadiq Khan on behalf of DSU as a token of thanks.

DHA Suffa University Presents a Paper at International Conference on Future Trends of Quality Assurance in Higher Education 2022 at NED University, Karachi

On May 16 and 17, 2022, DHA Suffa University (DSU) participated in the International Conference on Future Trends of Quality Assurance in Higher Education 2022, organized by NED University of Engineering and Technology in collaboration with Ziauddin University and Sindh Higher Education Commission.

Mr. Zahid Hussain (Director QEC, DSU) presented a paper titled “A Conceptual Framework for Adoption of Quality 4.0 in Higher Education Institutions of Pakistan”, co-authored with Ms. Ayesha Mahmood (Assistant Director QEC, DSU) and Ms. Tatheer Yawar (Lecturer Department of Management Sciences, DSU). The paper addressed the challenges associated with implementing Quality 4.0 in higher education institutions of Pakistan by proposing an adoption framework, based on data analytics, automation, partnership, compliance and leadership, for universities to smoothly transition from traditional processes to a Quality 4.0 approach. The audience lauded DSU for its valuable contribution to research on quality assurance.

The conference was attended by keynote speakers and delegates from prestigious universities of Pakistan, Turkey, Bahrain, Romania and Gibraltar. The conference witnessed the presence of Mr. Ismail Rahoo (Minister for Universities and Boards, Government of Sindh) as the chief guest. Engr. Prof. Dr. Muhammad Afzal Haque (Vice Chancellor, DSU) also graced the occasion on the first day.

Session On “Strong Us…Issues faced by Modern Women”

The DSU Women Empowerment Society held a session on: “Strong Us…Issues faced by Modern Women” on 17th May 2022. The objective of the event was to create awareness about women empowerment and the strong role of the community in creating a conducive environment where both men and women can co-exist. All the speakers addressed the dire need to educate our students and society, at large, on the real meaning of empowerment and feminism which is not anti-men rather based on equity and the appreciation of each other’s rights. DSU feels that it is one of the important role of any educational institute to instill these important values in the generation to come. The session ended with certificate distribution by the chairperson of the society, Ms Subeika Rizvi and Q&A.

Session on Heartalk

The English Program arranged an exclusive tête-à-tête to open up and speak ones’ heart and art out in a session called Heartalk. The purpose of the heart-to-heart was to resolve the challenges of adolescence in a congenial and constructive manner. The female fraternity of the English Program participated in the event.




Students’ Night Event organized by ASHRAE Pakistan Chapter

Highlights of the Students’ Night Event organized by ASHRAE Pakistan Chapter and hosted at NED University of Engineering Technology on 14th May 2022. Members from all student branches (NED, NUST, MEHRAN, DSU, HAMDARD) and industry professionals were invited to the event. Student members from all branches shared an overview of their branch activities conducted and the plans for upcoming activities. President of the ASHRAE Pakistan Chapter, MR. M. Omer Khan, also shared the information regarding the benefits and value addition achieved by becoming a member of the ASHRAE.

The event was not only a great learning experience, but also provided a great opportunity for members to meet, network, and socialize with the faculty & students of other branches, and also with industry professionals. The event ended with a musical night and an appetizing dinner.

MOU Signing between DSU & International School of Business & Law

The Chief Executive Officer of International School of Business & Law, Mr. Iqbal Shafi visited DHA Suffa University on 29th April, 2022. The two institutions signed a Memorandum of Understanding in a ceremony on the day. This MoU was signed to jointly hold classes at Diploma Level in Law in the short term followed by a Degree Level Program.

The ceremony was attended by Mr. Iqbal Shafi, DSU’s Vice Chancellor Prof. Dr. Muhammad Afzal Haque, DSU’s Pro-Vice Chancellor Prof. Dr. Ahmed Saeed Minhas and Ms. Jessica Janet Jarrar, Director, Professional Development Center, DSU.

The leadership of DSU & IOBAL both expressed eagerness and a strong commitment to work closely for the MOU’s implementation and to make it mutually beneficial for both the organizations.
