Orientation FALL 2021

On Tuesday and Wednesday 26-27 October, 2021 DHA Suffa University held its Orientation for the first semester students coming in Fall 2021 semester. They were given a very warm welcome. They were informed about the University’s Vision as well as its academic rules and regulations. The students were given a Campus Tour where different campus facilities were shown to them. They were also told about the various technical and social clubs and societies there were for their talent enhancement as well as for their socializing and extra-curricular ventures. Strict COVID precautions were observed throughout the ceremony.

DHA Suffa University wishes them best of luck for their academic journey.

Sky Electric Pvt. Ltd. Campus Recruitment and Orientation Session

Campus Recruitment and Orientation session was conducted for Mechanical and Electrical Engineering students at DHA Suffa University on Thursday 21st October 2021. The session was conducted by Sky Electric Pvt. Ltd


Session on “Soft Skills in the 21st Century”

On Wednesday 20th October, 2021 the Professional Development Center, DHA Suffa University organized a one-day training program on “Soft Skills in the 21st Century” for the benefit of the faculty & non-teaching staff of Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering and the Computer Engineering Departments.

The session was led by Mr. Noor Ali who has an experience of 25 years in the Silicon Valley, working with an organization like CISCO he gained experience in New Product Launch, Supply Chain Management, Product Life cycle Management and Cost Reduction Strategies.

Mr. Ali is an educationist and a Career Counselor with a passion to mentor and coach people to achieve their career objectives.

He eloquently briefed the audience about the strategies to overcome the gap between the industry and academia. He shared his thoughts and designs on effective teaching and how an instructor can engage and motivate his/her students. He also shared his views on how the 3-Ds of teaching styles i.e Directing, Discussing and Delegating can promote learning and how this can mutually benefit the teacher and the learners.

Acquisition of time-management skills was stressed by the speaker. Prioritizing and multitasking were regarded as need of the day. Lastly, he spoke to the audience about the seven C’s of communication. He very eloquently explained the use and effectiveness of the principles of communication.

The session was concluded with a Q&A session followed by a vote of thanks and presentation of a plaque of appreciation to Mr. Noor Ali by Engr. Prof. Dr. Muhammad Afzal Haque, Vice Chancellor, DHA Suffa University.




Alumni Relations Office collaborated with its Corporate Partner Advanced Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. to organize a Free Medical Camp for DSU Faculty & Staff in the MI room on Thursday 21st October 2021 from 11:00 am to 03:00 pm. Advanced Laboratories (Pvt.) Ltd. offered three testing services for free namely BMI (Body Mass Index), BMD (Bone Mineral Density) and Random Blood Sugar. They also provided their other testing services at a 50% discount for the DSU Faculty and Staff members.

More than 50 people including DSU’s Senior Management, Faculty and Staff availed of the free and discounted services offered by Advanced Laboratories. Among them was our honorable Vice Chancellor Engr. Prof. Dr. Muhammad Afzal Haque, Registrar Brig. (Retd). Dr. Muhammad Asif Iqbal SI (M), Dean EAS Engr. Prof. Dr. Johar Khurshid Farooqi, ASO Lt. Col (Retd). Ghulam Dastagir, COE Mr. Umar Sadiq, Medical Officer Lt. Col (Retd). Dr. Muhammad Behzad Ghani, Asst. Prof. Engr. Dr. Muhammad Nauman Qureshi, Asst. Prof. Mr. Twaha Ahmed Minai and Dir. CEID Ms. Eram Abbasi.

Open House Organized by Dha Suffa University’s Department Of Electrical Engineering for New Intake of Fall 2021

On Thursday 14th-Oct-2021, DHA Suffa University’s Department of Electrical Engineering organized an Open House for the new students who will be joining the BE(EE) program in Fall 2021 as well as for potential admission seekers.  The activities of the Open house included  STEM based lab demonstrations related to IoT & Industrial Automation, Electronics and Power Systems Engineering, to give the new students a flavour of the kind of engineering problems they would be tackling and the various Electrical Engineering labs where they would be working over the course of their next 4 years at DSU.  The new intake students and their parents were also given a walk around of the Electrical Engineering lab facilities at DSU, which was followed by a talk by DSU’s Head of Electrical Engineering Dept in DSU’s Executive Lecture Theatre on “Why Study Electrical Engineering?” In his talk, DSU’s HOD (EE) also shared with the freshmen Electrical Engineering Class of 2025, the success stories of DSU’s EE graduates.



Faculty Orientation & Development Session

Dean M&SS, DHA Suffa University Prof. Dr. Bashir Ahmad and Mr. Noor Ali, a teacher and corporate experienced Guest Speaker hailing from USA, conducted a faculty orientation and development session on 15 October 2021. They emphasized on focused teaching, maintaining students’ interest and necessity of applying theoretical knowledge to practical corporate environment. They also emphasized that the possible gaps in learning curve of students due to online teaching must be addressed so that to mitigate any disadvantages. Dr. Bashir, Dean (M&SS) emphasized on maintaining students’ profile for correct advisory by the respective student counsellors. VC Dr. Afzal Haque, PVC Dr. Ahmed Saeed Minhas and faculty members from Management and Humanities departments attended the session.