SheCan – Women Entrepreneurs Workshop

SheCan – Women Entrepreneurs Workshop organized by The Center for Entrepreneurship & Innovation Center (CEID) at DHA Suffa University (DSU) kicked-off on 5th August 2021 with a lot of enthusiasm by the participants and high hopes to start their dream business. The workshop started with an introduction followed by a briefing on the workshop plan. An icebreaking activity was conducted which served as an energizing booster for the participants. This activity helped participants to open up with lots of creative ideas sharing with each other in a friendly manner.
Initially the participants had queries as to how to take the first step to start their business. All their confusions were addressed by sharing stories of successful entrepreneurs combined with detailed discussion on the Ideation process.
Majority of the participants did not know where to start their businesses from, but the workshop facilitator, Ms. Eram Abbasi painted the picture of ideation process in such a way that all participants very excitedly started working on refining their idea. All the queries and puzzlements by the participants were addressed through this highly interactive session.
Successful women entrepreneurs were invited to share their success stories. Ms. Nadia Makhdumi, running her home based business as a nutritionist was invited to share her inspiring entrepreneurial journey and also share some tips for the participants on starting a home based business. She shared lots of tips about adjusting to the situations life throws at you and being patient and calm while learning and growing through new experiences. Another guest speaker Ms. Kanwal Gohar (Alumni of DSU) joined very soon to talk about her business journey. As she started her business during the pandemic situation, she had an exciting story to share regarding the challenges she had to face, and the lessons she learnt throughout.
After the inspiring stories another activity was carried out with the participants which further helped them refine their business ideas.
Dr. Farah Essa, President of Open Karachi was invited to inspire the participants. OPEN being an international platform for businesses to grow, Dr. Farah shared details about how OPEN facilitates entrepreneurs. She supported home-based-women-run businesses by motivating them to not only start their business but also strive to take their business global.
Finally, to end the session an exciting home activity was assigned to the participants. By the end of the session all the participants were highly motivated and energized to start their dream business come to life.


DHA Suffa University (DSU) & SRH University in North Rhine Westphalia, Germany, signed a Memorandum of Understanding in an online ceremony on 5th Aug 2021.  The ceremony was attended by the Rector of SRH University Prof. Dr. Lars Meierling, senior  dignitaries of SRH University including Prof. Dr. Lammerts and Prof. Dr. Claus Wilke, as well as by Prof. Dr. Karl Georg Steffens and Mr. Lutz Fissenewert who played an instrumental role in facilitating this collaboration between DSU and SRH University (Germany).  The scope of the MOU encompasses semester exchange opportunities for DSU’s students, a path-way for DSU’s graduates to pursue postgraduate MS studies at SRH University, as well as the exploration of collaborative avenues for implementation of joint degree programs.  Speaking at the occasion, DSU’s Vice Chancellor Prof. Dr. Muhammad Afzal Haque, DSU’s Pro-Vice Chancellor Prof. Dr. Ahmed Saeed Minhas and Mr. Shahid Zaki , former CEO Philips, said that this MOU will open many avenues for Pakistan’s youth aspiring to pursue higher studies in Germany and embark on professional career paths in the German industry and corporate sector post graduation.  The leadership of SRH University (Germany) expressed eagerness and a strong commitment to work closely with DHA Suffa University for the MOU’s implementation and to make it mutually beneficial for both universities.

MOU signing between DHA Suffa University and Brock University (Canada)

DHA Suffa University and Brock University (Canada) signed a Memorandum of Understanding on 30th-July-2021.  The ceremony was attended via video conference by the High Commissioner of Canada to Pakistan Excellency Wendy Gilmour, Consul General of Pakistan in Canada Excellency Mr. Abdul Hameed, President of Brock University Dr. Lynn Wells, Dean Faculty of Mathematics & Science at Brock University Dr. Ejaz Ahmed and President of Canada-Pakistan Education Council Mr. Samir Dossal.  Speaking at the ceremony, DHA Suffa University’s Vice Chancellor Prof. Dr. Muhammad Afzal Haque and Pro-Vice Chancellor Prof. Dr. Ahmed Saeed Minhas said that this was an auspicious  landmark occasion, marking the commencement of a new era of academic and research cooperation between DSU and Brock University (Canada), which will facilitate DSU’s students aspiring to access Canadian higher education and will go a long way towards promoting stronger ties between Canada and Pakistan in the higher education sector.  The scope of the MoU encompasses student and faculty exchange as well as research cooperation between the two universities.  The President &  Dean of Brock University expressed a strong commitment to closely work with DSU towards the implementation of various avenues of collaboration agreed upon in the agreement, as well as to explore new possibilities of academic cooperation with DSU.  The High Commissioner of Canada, Pakistan’s Consul General and the President of Canada-Pakistan Education Council, speaking at the occasion, lauded the efforts of both universities for their initiative of entering into an agreement of academic cooperation and expressed their re-assurance over the multiple doorways it will open for Pakistani students desirous of studying in Canada.

Watch the entire MOU signing ceremony on:  <>


MOU between DHA Suffa University & Brock University

Career Counselling and Postgraduate Higher Studies Prospects | CPD Webinar | Electrical Engineering

The Department of Electrical Engineering, ORIC Office DSU and International Education Resource Centre DSU organized a CPD Webinar under the on July 26, 2021. The guest speaker for the session was Dr. Ayaz Khan – Clinical MR Scientist at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital Memphis, Tennessee, United States. It was a motivational session for students based on Career Counseling and Higher Education Opportunities. Moreover, the speaker also shared his experiences and some of his incredible researches in the area of neuroimaging and highlighted the significance of Electrical Engineering in the current era and in the future.

Certificate Distribution for Ramzan Drive

On the 29th of June, SSCC held a small certificate distribution ceremony for the students of Character Building Society (CBS) to appreciate their efforts for successfully carrying out Ramzan Drive which was supervised by Director SSCC Dr. Usman Ahmad.

In the month of Ramzan, the students of CBS along with the students of Usman Institute of Technology (UIT) took the initiative to conduct the drive. In which they not only distributed Iftari and Raashan but also visited the orphanages with the help of donations. Dean Engr. Prof. Dr. Johar Khurshid Farooqi was also invited to encourage and appreciate the students to work voluntarily for the cause even in the ongoing pandemic.


Campus Recruitment Drive was held on June 28th, 2021 at DHA Suffa University. It was arranged for the students of Mechanical Engineering, Computer Science and Management Sciences Department. The respectable guests are from AL- AMEEN GROUP CORPORATION PVT.LTD and CONTOUR SOFTWARE.