MOU Signing between DSU and Hamm Innovation Center

On 2nd Feb 2021, DHA Suffa University (DSU) and the Hamm Innovation Center in Germany (The Innovationszentrum Hamm GmbH – IZH) signed an MOU for the development of an Incubator at DHA Suffa University (DSU), which would be managed by DSU’s CEID (Center for Entrepreneurship & Innovation Development) and will oversee the recruitment of start-ups, facilitating their growth by connecting them with relevant mentors. The Hamm Innovation Center (IZH) in Germany will be responsible for supporting the project ideas of selected start-ups and providing them a gate way to the German market. The objective of this MOU is to promote Entrepreneurship in Pakistan at national level, giving start-ups a launch platform to grow bigger.
At the MOU signing ceremony, IZH was represented by Professor Dr. (PHD) Karl-Georg Steffens, CEO Innovation Center Hamm GmbH (IZH) and Dipl. Kfm. Lutz Fissenewert, SES Consultant; Advisor International Collaboration, while DSU was represented by its VC, Engr. Prof. Dr. Muhammad Afzal Haque & its Pro VC, Brig. Prof. Dr. Ahmed Saeed Minhas. Mr. Asadullah Siddiqui, Director, office of International Education Resource Center (IERC) at DSU and Ms. Eram Abbasi, Director, Centre for Entrepreneurship & Innovation Development (CEID) at DSU also attended the ceremony. Mr. Shahid Zaki (Former CEO Phillips), who will be mentoring the selected start-ups, was also present at the occasion.
Due to COVID situation, the ceremony was held online and COVID SOPs were maintained.
In the pictures:
Front Row Sitting: (lft to rt) –
Brig Prof. Dr. Ahmed Saeed Minhas, Pro-Vice Chancellor DSU
Engr. Prof. Dr. Muhammad Afzal Haque, Vice Chancellor DSU
Mr. Shahid Zaki, Guest Mento
Back Row Standing: (lft to rt) –
Ms. Eram Abbasi, Director, Centre for Entrepreneurship & Innovation Development (CEID) at DSU
Engr. M. Asadullah Siddiqui, Director, International Education Resource Centre (IERC) at DSU
On Screen: (lft to rt) –
Mr. Lutz Fissenewert, SES Consultant; Advisor International Collaboration, IZH
Dr. Karl Georg Steffens, CEO IZH

Elocution 2021

Elocution 2021, was held in DHA Suffa University’s auditorium from 1st February till 4th February 2021. Elocution 2021 was designed and planned to achieve the 4th Learning Objective of my course Freshman English 1, i.e.
4: “Participate in listening and speaking activities about a variety of topics including subject matter.”

This activity was further planned keeping in mind the core values of DHA Suffa University. The core values are:

• Faith
• Character
• Learning
• Discovery
• Diversity

Elocution is the skill of clear and expressive speech, especially of distinct pronunciation and articulation. There are 10 Categories of Elocution. Students can carry props or wear a certain attire to make it more impressive.

Session on “How to succeed in CSS”

Glimpses of today’s session on “How to succeed in CSS” arranged by the Faculty of International Relations.

The Civil Service officials enlightened the students of BS IR and BBA with the first hand knowledge in their respective fields.


Memorandum of Understanding signing between DHA SUFFA UNIVERSITY and OXFAM

A Memorandum of Understanding was signed between DHA SUFFA UNIVERSITY and OXFAM on the 8th of November 2020. The objective of this memorandum was to set forth the framework for a collaboration between DSU and OXFAM in the areas of gender-based violence through edutainment approach in the University settings. OXFAM’s vision is to create a poverty free environment and for this purpose it is putting its optimum efforts to contribute in eradication of poverty and promulgate the socio-economic empowerment of vulnerable groups. Oxfam is working tirelessly for uplifting the marginalized groups inclusive of women, youth and children by creating sustainable livelihoods, social, political & economic empowerment and enhancing their resilience to crises, shocks and stresses.
DSU appreciates such humanitarian initiatives and promote the wellbeing of Women and would collaborate with Pink Pakistan Trust in the future to endorse this noble cause.

Anti-Corruption Day Competitions

DHA Suffa University organized an “Anti-Corruption Day” on 16th November 2020, for its students by the efforts of DSU’s Character Building society. This event provided a platform for the students to raise their voice against corruption through speeches, essays and posters.

Many students of DSU’s different departments took part in this competition. It was an important event because it gave the students an opportunity to share their thoughts and speak up about this critical issue of our country. Character building society gave them a platform to present their ideas and recommendations in a very effective way and the event was successfully conducted because of the teamwork of the students.

The first module of the competition was for speech, then essay and the last one was for Poster / painting; all of these modules highlighted the negative impact of corruption in our society. After the completion of each module, the judges presented their general ideas and gave valuable suggestions to the students. Vice Chancellor Engr. Prof. Dr. Muhammad Afzal Haque was the chief guest of this event. The encouraging words of the VC, the suggestions of the judges as well as the support of the SSCC department played a vital role in making this event a success. In the end of the event, shields and certificates were presented by the VC to those students who showed outstanding performance in this competition.


Boss Women – Entrepreneurship Training

The Center of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Development (CEID) at DSU, in collaboration with Commonwealth Business Women Network, organized: Boss Women – a Commonwealth Certified Entrepreneurship Training for women entrepreneurs. Other collaborating partners for the training were PINE global and INJAZ Pakistan.

Female entrepreneurs from all over Karachi participated in this training to learn the tools necessary to establish their business and pursue their dream of becoming a successful startup owner.

During the event, participants shared their business plans and got feedback for mobilizing their business. Director CEID; Eram Abbasi guided participants on how to build their business model, developing customer relationships and identifying the resources necessary for their startups. Erum Masood, CEO PINE Global with enriched the participants with marketing tools & techniques. Ms.Saba Haider, from Injaz Pakistan discussed the financial aspects of businesses.

Among the DSU participants, Asma Abdul Latif an undergraduate student who runs an online food and craft business, shared her startup journey. Her work was not only praised and appreciated by the audience but the chief guest at the event, Dr. Farhan Essa, CEO Essa Labs, applauding her work, presented her with a seed money to further grow her business to new heights.

Ayesha Zaheer, CEO INJAZ Pakistan, Fatima Ali, CEO Sew Sole, and Adnan Faisal, CEO FHM embraced the event as guest speakers and enlightened the participants with their experience. The esteemed guests appreciated the efforts of DHA Suffa University, stating that their efforts to promote entrepreneurship is a valiant effort.