DHA Suffa University Conducts Self-Review of MS / PhD Programs

Self-Review of MS / PhD programs offered by the Department of Computer Science at DHA Suffa University was conducted on 18th March 2021 with the objective to ascertain whether MS / PhD programs offered by the department meet their educational objectives and outcomes as per HEC’s criteria. The Review Panel comprised of Dr. Salman Zaffar (HoD Electrical Engineering, Convener), Dr. Usama Siddiqui (Assistant Professor, Member), Dr. Imtiaz Hussain (Director QEC, Member) and Ms. Ayesha Mahmood (ADQEC, Member).

The panel reviewed the Program Proforma, Program Files, Faculty Files and Students’ Files as per HEC’s Checklist and found them to be in order. The panel also conducted a question-and-answer session with the PhD students enrolled in the program. The panel appreciated the efforts of the department in maintaining and enhancing the culture of quality at DHA Suffa University.

DHA Suffa University is committed to adhere to the guidelines of HEC and the regulatory bodies and regularly conducts self-assessment activities to enhance the quality of its programs.


Orientation Day Spring 2021

On Monday 15th March 2021 first semester students were warmly welcomed at the Orientation of DHA Suffa University. They were briefed about the DSU vision and highlights along with the campus rules and regulations. They were then led on a tour of the campus visiting diverse facilities available to students. They were also introduced to the various technical as well as social clubs and societies. Strict COVID precautions were observed throughout the ceremony.

DHA Suffa University wishes them best of luck for their academic journey.



Session on ‘Job Opportunities and Why Join Half Price Drapes’

A Special Session on ‘Job Opportunities and Why Join Half Price Drapes’ by Mr. Hasan Lodhi – Founder & Partner at Exclusive Fabrics & Furnishings, LLC (California, USA) was held at the DHA Suffa University’s auditorium from 10:00 am to 11:00 pm on Monday 8th March 2021 in collaboration with DSU Career Services and Alumni Relations and Tech Saeein . The session was attended by Pro-VC, Dean, Mr. Mohsin Iqbal, HoDs / DHs, Faculty, graduating batches and Alumni.

Mr. Lodhi enlightened the audience with inspiring stories of his successful journey and how he tackled the hurdles that were presented to him at every step. He then shared the exciting news of opening his back-end operations office in the locality and the profiles he seeks for building his team in Karachi.

After the Q & A session, Pro-VC addressed the audience and expressed his gratitude to Mr. Lodhi by presenting him DSU’s Shield for sharing his valuable experiences and bringing in exciting career opportunities for DSU’s graduating batches and Alumni.

Applied Business Intelligence & Analytics Course

On March 14, 2021 DHA Suffa University concluded the “Applied Business Intelligence & Analytics Course”. The well-planned pilot program attained its targets through a conducive blend of theory and hands-on training sessions. A Building Block approach was the central pillar of this course.

ABIA was implemented by a five member team of skilled professionals with a vision to deliver a high quality course. It was spearheaded by Prof. Naqi Azam, a seasoned global senior banker & and academician. Prof. Naqi currently holds a position as Honorary Advisor to the Vice Chancellor, DHA Suffa University. The international resource persons included Dr. Kieran Mervyn, Mr. Atta-ur-Rehman Malik from The United Kingdom, Mr. Benjamin Samuel from Nigeria. The course was locally supported by Dr. Salman Zafar HOD, Electrical Engineering Department, DSU & Prof. Umair bin Mansoor, Faculty, DSU.

The core feature of program were hands-on practical exercises & case studies focusing on the vital business domains including Finance, Marketing & HR. Mr. Ahad Hussain taught the use of BI & Analytics tools, through Advanced Excel, Power BI, Python & SQL using the demonstrative approach and practical during the boot-camp sessions.

The participants who came from various fields & industry sectors such as Telecom, Software Houses, Educational Institutions and Marketing Departments of Organizations for a learning opportunity to DSU’s ABIA program, appreciated their instructors and the program. Learning was enhanced through Capstone Project Presentations.

The Vice Chancellor, Engr. Prof. Dr. Muhammad Afzal Haque led the certificate distribution ceremony. He reiterated that Data Analytics is the key to the future of business and such well-balanced and perfectly designed training will pave the road to success.

Ms. Farhat Umar, Director, Professional Development Center valued the efforts of the ABIA Team and wished all the best for the program’s future at DSU.

Prof. Naqi Azam, Lead Instructor, announced the good news that the ABIA Program was approved and listed by NAVTTC (National Vocational and Technical Training Commission) on March 13, 2021.

Inauguration of Solar Photovoltaic System at DHA Suffa University

Trainees undergoing training at DHA Suffa University (DSU) in the Renewable Energy System Design (RESD) trade, as part of Prime Minister’s NAVTTC Kamyab Jawan Program, installed and commissioned a 2.5 kVA Solar Photovoltaic (PV) System on the roof top of DSU’s Engineering Laboratory block.
RESD trainees interfaced the Solar Photovoltaic (PV) System with a battery bank, an inverter and a charge controller, to successfully power up the Electrical Engineering Labs of DSU’s Engineering Block and shift their load to Solar energy. This Solar Photovoltaic System (PV) System was inaugurated on 11th March 2021 by DSU’s Vice Chancellor, Engr. Prof. Dr. Muhammad Afzal Haque and DSU’s ProVice Chancellor, Brig. Prof. Dr. Ahmed Saeed Minhas.
Interacting with NAVTTC trainees, DSU’s VC and Pro-VC lauded their efforts and showed appreciation towards the successful commissioning of the Solar PV System on DSU’s roof top, which marks the culmination of NAVTTC ‘Renewable Energy System Design’ training at DSU which started in September 2020. Along the lines of NAVTTC program’s vision to promote Entrepreneurship and to empower Pakistan’s youth with skills that are in high demand, the skill set imparted by DSU to these RESD trainees will enable them to start their own freelance work by offering consultancy services in Renewable Energy projects being installed across Pakistan, or start their own start-up companies which provide turn-key Renewable Energy solutions to address the nation’s energy needs.






Session on ‘Job Opportunities and Why Join Half Price Drapes’

A Special Session on ‘Job Opportunities and Why Join Half Price Drapes’ by Mr. Hasan Lodhi – Founder & Partner at Exclusive Fabrics & Furnishings, LLC (California, USA) was held at the DHA Suffa University’s auditorium from 10:00 am to 11:00 pm on Monday 8th March 2021 in collaboration with DSU Career Services and Alumni Relations and Tech Saeein . The session was attended by Pro-VC, Dean, Mr. Mohsin Iqbal, HoDs / DHs, Faculty, graduating batches and Alumni.
Mr. Lodhi enlightened the audience with inspiring stories of his successful journey and how he tackled the hurdles that were presented to him at every step. He then shared the exciting news of opening his back-end operations office in the locality and the profiles he seeks for building his team in Karachi.
After the Q & A session, Pro-VC addressed the audience and expressed his gratitude to Mr. Lodhi by presenting him DSU’s Shield for sharing his valuable experiences and bringing in exciting career opportunities for DSU’s graduating batches and Alumni.