Seminar on Steam Turbine and Overhaul Management

Seminar on Steam Turbine and Overhaul Management was the second event of the Power Lecture Series, organized by IMechE Pakistan with the help of IMechE DSU student chapter on the 15th of October. The event commenced with the recitation of the Holy Quran, followed by a few introductory remarks by Registrar DSU Brig (R) Syed Muhammad Rafique Ahmed, who expressed his endorsement towards IMechE Pakistan for arranging such insightful and enlightened events. Next, Chief Guest Prof. Dr. Muhammad Tufail, Chairman IMechE Pakistan, commemorated IMechE DSU and Hub Power Company for bringing together students and industry professionals on a common platform. He explained how the Power Lecture Series holds immense importance for young engineers.

Dr. Muhammad Uneeb, Vice-Chairperson IMechE Pakistan was invited on the stage to share his thoughts and deliver concluding remarks. He began by highly praising the keynote speaker of the day for covering such an extensive topic in a limited time. He praised the commitment of HUBCO and its professionals for significantly promoting experience-based learning in the field of engineering and further expressed his desire for more events like this in the future.

Typhoid Awareness Session

On 24th October 2019, “Typhoid Awareness Session” was organized by Additional Director Medical Suffa University, Lt Col Dr. Muhammad Behzad Ghani, Tamghae Imtiaz Military at DHA Suffa University. Dr. Zahoor Baloch, Dr. Durre Naz and Mr. Suresh Rana from WHO KCI EPI shared their valuable knowledge on the significance of Typhoid vaccination and the precautionary measures from this disease.
The session was attended by Faculty members and Students. It was an interactive session in which the students asked questions from the Doctors regarding this debilitating disease.

CrossXcode Event

ACM DSU student chapter actively presents and implements creative ideas for students to promote their interest in Computer Science. The Idea of CrossXcode is one of those. The event took place on the 8th of October 2019 from 11:30 am to 1:30 pm. CrossXcode is a programming competition, the basic purpose behind this event was to create and promote interaction between students from different levels of a degree program. The competition welcomed participants from any department having programming skills, the participants were required to team up in a group of three such that each student was from 2nd semester, and other two were from 3rd /4th / 5th and 6th semester.

The main idea was to help students of initial semester to learn basic and logic building skills from senior students. Senior Students were supposed to create logic (paper work) and juniors students had to code it to improve their programming skills. Senior students in this way can help their juniors to overcome their weaknesses in the field of programming.

The event had a positive feedback from the students and all the learning outcomes were met which made the event successful.

4th Session of Alumni Talk Series

The DSU Alumni Relations Department successfully organized the fourth and most informative session of Alumni Talk Series on 14th October, 2019 in which one of the prominent alumnus and pride of DHA Suffa University, Ms. Sidra Khan (Section Officer-Grade 17th, Office Management Group, Government of Pakistan) was invited. She’s is the first Civil Servant of DHA Suffa University and has cleared CSS exam in very first attempt. She shared her whole experience and path which she followed to be on this prestigious position now. Tips to clear CSS were also shared and misconceptions of students who were undoubtful whether to pursue CSS or not, were also answered. She portrayed the overall journey of CSS and why they should try for it was because of the prestigious institute reputation and title to be CSP Officer. Alumni, students as well as faculty were proud to know the journey of Sidra that how she achieved this milestone and wished her good luck in her future endeavors. Sidra was committed that she will always be available for the DSU community in future too, who are willing to opt for CSS exams now or in future. Overall session motivated the students and alumni to give a try to most difficult exam of Pakistan.



Mr. Gerhard Eberle, a German Engineer and expert in the field of Power Distribution Networks, who served with Siemens and the ‘Landshut Power Utility Company’ in Germany, conducted a seminar on “Safety in the Design and Operation of Power Distribution Networks” on 15-Oct-2019 in DSU’s Executive Lecture Theatre.  The seminar was organized as a Continuous Professional Development (CPD) activity for Engineers and was attended by professionals from the industry.  At the seminar, Mr. Gerhard presented safety considerations pertaining to the design and operation of low voltage (11kV) substations as well as the need to have protective gear for the protection of maintenance personnel working on distribution transformers and feeders in the power distribution network.  He presented Germany’s power distribution network as an example during the seminar and stressed on the need to incorporate safe earthing practices and ensuring regular maintenance of power equipment, so as to minimize the chances for accidents.

The seminar was followed by an interactive Q&A session with the audience, followed by which the trainer, Mr. Gerhard Eberle, distributed certificates to the participants.

3rd Session of Alumni Talk Series

The DSU Alumni Relations Department successfully organized the third session of Alumni Talk Series on 11th October, 2019 in which one of the prominent alumnus of DHA Suffa University, Mr. Rizwan Ali Shah (Founder & CEO – Rizisuper, Entrepreneur & Content Creator) was invited. He conducted the session on “How to earn through Google’s applications like YouTube and more” and shared his experiences of how he started his journey from the scratch and after a lot of hard work, continuous struggle and patience for 5 years made him what he is today. The session motivated the students, alumni and faculty start creating some content of their interest that can achieve their goals and can make them earn good.