DHA Suffa University conducts Self-Review 2024 of PG Programs

DHA Suffa University conducted Self-Review of PG programs on 29th April 2024 with the objective to ascertain whether these programs meet their educational objectives and outcomes as per HEC’s criteria. The Review Panel comprised of Dr. Shahzad Ashraf (Associate Professor CS, Convener), Engr. Dr. Huma Jamshed (Assistant Professor CS, Member), Dr. Asbah Qaiser (Assistant Professor HSS, Member) and Dr. Sajjad Ashraf (Assistant Professor MS, Member).

The panel reviewed the program proformas, program files, faculty files and student files as per HEC’s checklist. The panel also conducted Q&A sessions with MS & PhD students as well as faculty members of PG programs. The panel toured the campus and visited the library, laboratories, and IT infrastructure to observe the quality of facilities available on campus.

In the end, the panel met the Vice Chancellor Brig. Prof. Dr. Ahmed Saeed Minhas and shared their views about the review process undertaken by them.

The review process was facilitated by the QEC at DHA Suffa University in collaboration with the academic and administrative departments.

Awareness Seminars on Quality Assurance for HSS Students

The Quality Enhancement Cell at DHA Suffa University is dedicated to enhancing the overall quality of education and administrative processes. As part of its ongoing efforts to maintain high standards in academia, the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences (HSS) recently organized two seminars on Internal Quality Assessment Mechanisms.

The seminars were conducted by Ms. Fatima Kiran, who serves as the QEC Coordinator HSS. The seminars delved into various aspects of quality assessment, including:

  • Understanding HEC’s Self-Assessment Criteria: Participants gained insights into the criteria set by the HEC for self-assessment purposes.
  • Ranking Criteria and Maximum Scores: The session covered the criteria used for ranking academic programs and the maximum scores assigned to each criterion by HEC.
  • Self-Assessment of Programs: Students were briefed about process of self-assessing academic programs to ensure that all programs meet the required quality standards.
  • Feedback and Survey Forms: Participants learned about the significance of feedback and survey forms in gathering valuable input for program improvement.
  • Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI): The concept of Continuous Quality Improvement was explored, emphasizing its role in ongoing enhancements to the educational experience.
  • Assessment Outcomes: The session provided insights into how assessments contribute to overall program improvement.

Towards the end of the seminars, students were encouraged to ask questions, fostering an open and interactive learning environment. These seminars aimed to empower students with a deeper understanding of quality assessment processes at DSU and their vital role in maintaining high educational standards.

The seminars were conducted as per the schedule given below:

1Student Awareness Seminar- I (BS Psychology)10th January 2024
2Student Awareness Seminar-II (BS English and BS International Relations)11th January 2024

QEC Training Session for Preparing an Effective SAR

QEC arranged this year’s PT members’ training on 1st December 2023 for preparing effective Self-Assessment Reports (SARs) as per the guidelines of the HEC. Nominated Program Team (PT) members of selected undergraduate and graduate programs participated in this training conducted by Prof. Dr. Johar Khurshid Farooqi (Director QEC) and Mr. Zahid Hussain (Deputy Director QEC).

The training commenced with a briefing on the role of quality assurance, the HEC-prescribed QA mechanism, and the layout of the generic Self-Assessment Report. This also included an in-depth discussion on the SAR’s objectives and details about its various components. They were also given an overview of the previous year’s Self-Assessment cycle to appreciate the significance of their role within the QA cycle and follow it with more vigor and diligence. While explaining Standards 1 to 8, participants were explained how to accurately deal with each Standard by explaining its intent and requirements. The session was interactive, encouraging the PT members to seek clarifications to understand the core process of preparing SARs.

QEC Activities Calendar 2023-24


The members of the Charter Inspection and Evaluation Committee (CIEC) of Sindh Higher Education Commission (SHEC) along with the members of their Experts Sub-Committee (ESC) visited the University’s DCK campus on 14th July 2023 for their scheduled 9th round of Inspection Visits for the Monitoring, Evaluation and Grading of DHA Suffa University. After the completion of the departmental rounds by the experts, the esteemed CIEC members discussed with the authorities various aspects of the University operations and growth pertaining to the DCK campus. Senior University officers responded to the respected guests with their input.


DHA Suffa University conducts Self-Review of PG Programs

DHA Suffa University conducted Self-Review of PG programs on 7th April 2023 with the objective to ascertain whether these programs meet their educational objectives and outcomes as per HEC’s criteria. The Review Panel comprised of Engr. Prof. Dr. Abdullah Saand (Professor CE, Convener), Dr. Huma Jamshed (Assistant Professor Computer Science, Member) and Engr. Dr. Syed Fazal Abbas Baqueri (Assistant Professor Civil Engineering, Member).

The panel reviewed the program proformas, program files, faculty files and student files as per HEC’s checklist. The panel also conducted Q&A sessions with MS & PhD students as well as faculty members of PG programs. The panel toured the campus and visited the library, classrooms and laboratories to observe the quality of facilities available on campus.

In the end, the panel met the Vice Chancellor Prof. Dr. Muhammad Afzal Haque and shared their views about the review process undertaken by the panel.

The review process was facilitated by the QEC at DHA Suffa University in collaboration with the academic and administrative departments.