DHA Suffa University Conducts Self-Review of MS / PhD Programs

Self-Review of MS / PhD programs offered by the Department of Computer Science at DHA Suffa University was conducted on 18th March 2021 with the objective to ascertain whether MS / PhD programs offered by the department meet their educational objectives and outcomes as per HEC’s criteria. The Review Panel comprised of Dr. Salman Zaffar (HoD Electrical Engineering, Convener), Dr. Usama Siddiqui (Assistant Professor, Member), Dr. Imtiaz Hussain (Director QEC, Member) and Ms. Ayesha Mahmood (ADQEC, Member).

The panel reviewed the Program Proforma, Program Files, Faculty Files and Students’ Files as per HEC’s Checklist and found them to be in order. The panel also conducted a question-and-answer session with the PhD students enrolled in the program. The panel appreciated the efforts of the department in maintaining and enhancing the culture of quality at DHA Suffa University.

DHA Suffa University is committed to adhere to the guidelines of HEC and the regulatory bodies and regularly conducts self-assessment activities to enhance the quality of its programs.


Exit Meeting of Assessment Team for BBA and MBA Programs

Self-Assessment of BBA and MBA programs offered by the MS Department was initiated in January 2019. SAR was prepared and submitted by Program Team (PT) comprising of Dr. Faheem Akhter, Ms. Bushra Mahmood and Ms. Erum Fatima. The VC appointed members of Assessment Team (AT) for evaluation/verification of SAR. The AT comprised of Dr. Rida Ahmed and Mr. Zahid Hussain. The Exit Meeting of AT for Quality Self-Assessment of BBA and MBA Programs was held on July 12, 2019. The AT presented its findings to Engr. Prof. Dr. Johar Khurshid Farooqi (Dean EMS), Dr. Faryal Salman (HoD MS), Engr. Akhtar Nadyme (Director QEC) and PT members. The AT appreciated the department for addressing majority of the findings identified in the previous visit and identified grey areas in the SAR. Strengths and areas for further improvement identified through the SAR were discussed in detail. The report was mutually agreed upon.

DHA Suffa University Conducts Self-Review of MS / PhD Programs

Self-Review of MS / PhD programs of DHA Suffa University was conducted on June 25, 2019 with the objective to ascertain whether MS / PhD programs meet their educational objectives and outcomes as per HEC’s criteria. The Review Panel comprised of Dr. Imtiaz Hussain (HoD, Electrical Engineering), Dr. Rida Ahmed (HoD, Basic Sciences), Engr. Akhtar Nadyme (Director QEC) and Ms. Rabia Mumtaz (Manager Postgraduate Programs).

The panel reviewed the Program Proforma, Program Files, Faculty Files, Students’ Files and Course Files as per HEC’s Checklist and found them to be in order. The panel also met the PhD students enrolled in the program. The panel appreciated the efforts of academic departments in maintaining and enhancing the culture of quality at DHA Suffa University.

QA Awareness Seminars for the Faculty and Students of Management Sciences

In continuation with our practice, a series of quality assurance awareness seminars was conducted for the faculty andstudents of Management Sciences by Ms. Bushra Mahmood (ADQEC) during 2018-19. The seminars focused on familiarizing participants with the IQA mechanism, HEC’s self-assessment criteria, NBEAC forms and the accreditation process, ranking criteria and maximum scores for each criterion, self-assessment of programs, feedback and survey forms, continuous improvement of quality (CQI) and outcomes of assessment. The seminars were kept interactive to encourage participation of students. The seminars concluded with question-and-answer sessions.

Year Date Class No. of Participants
2018 5th December 2018 BBA-1A 32 students
21st December 2018 BBA-1B 23 students
2019 31st January 2019 20 faculty members
5th April 2019 BBA-1 18 students
6th April 2019 BBA-5 28 students
6th April 2019 MBA-2 3 students
8th April 2019 BBA-4 40 students
8th April 2019 MBA-1 2 students


QA Awareness Seminars for the Faculty and Students of Mechanical Engineering

In continuation with our practice, a series of quality assurance awareness seminars was conducted for the faculty and students of Mechanical Engineering by Engr. Zaid Hasany (ADQEC). The seminars focused on familiarizing participants with the IQA mechanism, HEC’s self-assessment criteria, ranking criteria and maximum scores for each criterion, self-assessment of programs, OBE system, feedback and survey forms, continuous improvement of quality (CQI) and outcomes of assessment. The seminars were kept interactive to encourage participation of students. The seminars concluded with question-and-answer sessions.

The seminars were conducted as per the following schedule:

S.No. Seminar Date
1 Faculty Awareness Seminars 1st March 2019
2 Student Awareness Seminar – I 12th March 2019
3 Student Awareness Seminar – II 13th March 2019




QA Awareness Seminars for the Students of Electrical Engineering

In continuation with our practice, a series of quality assurance awareness seminars was conducted for the students of Electrical Engineering by Mr. Abdul Samad (ADQEC) during 2018-19. The seminars focused on familiarizing students with the IQA mechanism, HEC’s self-assessment criteria, ranking criteria and maximum scores for each criterion, self-assessment of programs, OBE system, feedback and survey forms, continuous improvement of quality (CQI) and outcomes of assessment. The seminars were kept interactive to encourage participation of students. The seminars concluded with question-and-answer sessions.

S.No. Class Date Time
1 EE-1A 17th December 2018 12:15:00 PM-12:30 PM
2 EE-3A 20th December 2018 11:15:00 PM-11:30 PM
3 EE-3B 20th December 2018 04:15:00 PM-04:30 PM
4 EE-5A 21st December 2018 04:15:00 PM-04:30 PM
5 EE-5B 21st December 2018 12:15:00 PM-12:30 PM
6 EE-5C 17th December 2018 04:15:00 PM-04:30 PM
7 EE-7A 19th December 2018 04:15:00 PM-04:30 PM
8 EE-7B 18th December 2018 09:15:00 AM-09:30 AM
9 EE-7C 19th December 2018 03:15:00 PM-03:30 PM
10 EE-2A 20th February 2019 04:15 PM to 04:30 PM
11 EE-4A 25th February 2019 04:00 PM to 04:15 PM
12 EE-4B 25th February 2019 11:15 AM to 11:30 AM
13 EE-6A 26th February 2019 04:00 PM to 04:15 PM
14 EE-6B 26th February 2019 11:15 AM to 11:30 AM
15 EE-6C 25th February 2019 04:00 PM to 04:15 PM
16 EE-8A 23rd February 2019 02:15 PM to 02:30 PM
17 EE-8B 26th February 2019 04:00 PM to 04:15 PM
18 EE-8C 18th February 2019 02:15 PM to 02:30 PM