test news

Team DSU Bur’raq participating in Formula Student UK 2019!

Team DSU Bur’raq is proud to announce to all our beloved fans, that we are going to participate and compete in the Formula Student UK 2019! It would be a pride for our team to raise Pakistan’s flag on this amazing International platform.
Our car number for this year’s participation will be 47. The number 47 is a fortunate one for Pakistan and has a deep rooted historical background. It symbolizes the year we became an independent nation and pays tribute and homage to the people and their struggle that resulted in this beautiful homeland – Pakistan. Here’s to hoping that we continue onward with the same charm and conquer all obstacles and hurdles until we achieve victory for our fans and our country.

Unlock Your Leadership Skills

Are you unaware about your inner leader? Are you still exploring the foundation blocks of leadership? Contrive the Leader within you using the theories of mind sciences, define the qualities of your HERO and draw an action plan through an interactive time with us.

Speaker: Ms. Anila Javaid (Director Business Innovation at AJ Enlight, Chief Executive Officer at 7tnine Developments)

Topic: Unlock Your Leadership Skills
Venue: DHA Suffa University, Karachi.
Date: March 30th, 2019
Time: 3:00 – 5:00 pm

Please sign up here to attend: https://tinyurl.com/yy5vcox8

*this lecture has an investment of 1500 PKR. Students, industry professionals, subject matter enthusiasts & lobbyists, students from other universities, related private and government bodies, are all encouraged to attend.

About the Session:

In this roundup, Ms. Anila will guide us about Leadership traits together with guided meditation, hypnosis and coaching. It would be a unique learning and inspirational experience committed to direct the attendees to reach enlightenment and state of perfect understanding to unlock their true potential.

About the Speaker:

Ms. Anila Javaid is an entrepreneur and a global business engineer. She has done MBA (Management), LLM (International and European business law). She has set up and managed businesses in many countries, delivering successful departments and companies. She worked with global business brands strategizing and implementing business diversification and expansions in different parts of the world. She has trained and Inspired entrepreneurs and enterprises to optimize revenue/profits and processes. Cultivating success through theory and mindfulness. She is also a lifestyle coach and mentor practicing mindfulness using the techniques from meditation, hypnosis and energy work leading to un-leasing and redirecting human potential. Affiliated with International gateways for businesses through AJ Enlight and supporting youth and women empowerment in Pakistan with different bodies. A Business evangelist and Social activist.

About DSU Professional Roundup:

The DSU Professional Roundup is an open platform for information sharing, intellectual discourse, and networking, where we invite industry experts to share their knowledge on a business topic that industry professionals may benefit from. Corporate professionals, academia and students from other universities are all encouraged to attend these lectures being held at the DHA Suffa University Campus in DHA, Karachi.

Corporate Mentorship Program

The mentors for the “Corporate Mentorship Program” at DHA Suffa University were invited for a session on Friday, 25th January 2019. Over 20 corporate executives and professionals attended the session. The event started with a briefing about the program and the way forward by the Program Coordinator, Ms Subeika Rizvi. She highlighted the importance and need of such initiatives at the academia level and appreciated the involvement and the participation by the industry professionals. The Vice Chancellor of Suffa, Engr Dr Sarfraz Hussain thanked all the attendees and the organizers and reiterated the commitment of Suffa for bridging the Academia-Corporate gap and providing all support for the implementation of the program. All the guests highly appreciated the initiative by the university and committed their full support for the guidance and grooming of the students going forward. The session ended with hi-tea and a networking session. The Corporate Mentorship Program is all set to kick off for the students from Spring 2019.

Career in Stock Market

As part of the financial courses taught in the management science program, a session was arranged on Friday, 12th October 2018, where speakers from Abbasi Securities came and enlightened the students on the job and investment prospects in this sector. The session was conducted by Mr Mohsen, (VP) Abbasi Securities where he educated the audience on the career opportunities with a brief overview of the sector. He emphasized on the importance of Stock Markets in the capital generation for businesses to grow.The session concluded with an interesting activity to help students make decisions on investing money based on public information and Q&A session with Mr Ali Abbasi, CEO Abbasi Securities.

Authentic Living- & Climate Change (PLS)

A lecture on ‘Authentic Living – & Climate Change’ was recently held at DHA Suffa University featuring renowned Executive Coach, Consultant & Climate Change Lobbyist Mr. Sarfaraz’ A. Rehman. Mr. Rehman is also Ex CEO Engro Foods and Country Head Pepsi Co. In the beginning of the session, the speaker talked about the importance of authentic living, and carving a niche for yourself despite going through the same educational and professional experiences like everyone else. In the second half of the lecture Mr. Rehman spoke about climate change, scarcity of resources, and the looming water crisis in the world, and its impact on Pakistan. Sharing his valuable insight on the subject, he even suggested simple steps that the youth can take to slow down the process of climate change and advised attendees to use natural resources more responsibly.