AIMST University Malaysia

DHA Suffa University recognizes the importance of instilling self-confidence in its students by providing them with ample opportunities for intellectual growth and development. The University facilitates its students to go a step beyond classroom learning and acquire hands-on professional experience, enabling them to prepare for careers ahead of them. Currently, 4 students of DHA Suffa University are on a month-long summer internship to AIMST University, Penang, Malaysia. The purpose of this foreign internship is to give students international exposure and relevant experience in their respective academic disciplines.

Annual Dinner 2018

On April 28, 2018, DHA Suffa University hosted Annual Dinner 2018 to connect the alumni and graduating students of the University. The event offered students of semester 8 and alumni an opportunity to celebrate their shared history and reconnect with friends over an evening of food, music and festivities. This occasion also marked the launch of DHA Suffa University’s Corporate Mentorship Program that has been designed to bring students and professionals together. The guests were apprised of the various features of the program that will enable DHA Suffa University’s students to not only set career objectives before they graduate but will also direct them to potential employers and suitable opportunities in the industry.

5th Award Distribution Ceremony

DHA Suffa University held its 5th Award Distribution Ceremony on March 31, 2018, to honor the academic and extra-curricular accomplishments of high achievers. Students who secured positions on Dean’s and VC’s Honor Lists in Fall 2017 semester as well as students who secured positions at inter-university national and international competitions were awarded certificates of appreciation during the ceremony. The Chief Guest of the ceremony, Lt Gen Shahid Baig Mirza, HI(M), Chancellor DSU and Commander 5 Corps, lauded the efforts of award winners and urged them to continue their quest for excellence in the same manner. Administrator DHA, Brig Shahid Hassan Ali, was also present on the occasion.

Women Empowerment

To observe the International Women’s Day, the Women Empowerment Society of DHA Suffa University organized an event titled “#PressforProgress” on March 5, 2018. The objective of the session was to raise awareness on gender parity in academia through motivational talks and panel discussion. This was followed by a documentary on women empowerment and a stage play titled ‘Zimal’ produced and performed by students of DHA Suffa University.. Prof. Dr. Rana Qamar Hameed (Medical Doctor and Professor, Dow University of Health Sciences), Prof. Dr. Shahana Urooj Kazmi (Rector, DIHE) and Faakhir Mehmood (Singer and Songwriter) addressed the audience and shared words of wisdom with students that not only inspired them but also prompted them to think about the struggles women go through in order to achieve equality and success in society. The event was attended by representatives, faculty members and students from DHA institutions and DHA Suffa University.

Celebrates International Women’s Day

To observe the International Women’s Day, the Women Empowerment Society of DHA Suffa University organized an event titled “Press for Progress” on March 5, 2018. The objective of the session was to call for progress on gender parity and create awareness through motivational talks, panel discussion, a play titled Zimal and a documentary on women empowerment.
A panel, consisting of Prof. Dr. Rana Qamar Hameed (Medical Doctor and Professor, Dow University of Health Sciences), Prof. Dr. Shahana Urooj Kazmi (Rector, DIHE) and Faakhir Mehmood (Singer and Songwriter), addressed the audience and shared words of wisdom with students that not only inspired them but also prompted them to think about the struggles women go through in order to achieve equality and success in society. The event was attended by representatives, faculty members and students from DHA institutions and DHA Suffa University.