
Talk by Dr. Markus Markert on scope of International Relations

The Fall’ 22 session of DSU’s BS (International Relations) program started with an informative guest lecture presented by Dr. Marcus Markert, who is an astute Professor of International Relations from Germany. Dr. Marcus Markert has earned his D.Phil and MPhil degrees in International Relations from Oxford University. He comprehensively discussed the multi-dimensional  nature of IR, its scope and career opportunities for students pursing a degree in IR. In his talk, Dr. Marcus meticulously gauged all important aspects of changing global trends of politics and foreign policy making and its significance in the context of Pakistan.  Dr. Samreen Bari (Assistant Professor and Program Manager -IR) welcomed the distinguished foreign scholar, whereas, the thank you note was presented by Mr. Naqi Azam, Senior Advisor to Vice Chancellor DSU. The session was attended by Dr Saba Sahar ( Director Research, Center for Strategic Studies Sind (CISSS), DSU’s faculty members and DSU’s students in a large number.

DSU wishes Happy Independence Day

DSU management wishes Happy Independence Day to all Faculty members, non-teaching staff and students

Semester Course Title Course Code Credit Hours
I English-I: Prose, Reading, Comprehension and Grammar HUI005 3
Pakistan Studies HU2101 2
Basic Mathematics BS1304 3
Introduction to IR IR1303 3
Introduction to Political Science IR1302 3
Introduction to Geography IR1008 3
total 17
Semester Course Title Course Code Credit Hours
II English – II: Exploring Creative Writing HU1010 3
Islamic Studies / Ethics HU1203 2
Introduction to Statistics BS1404 3
Computer Skills for Social Sciences Research IR1402 3
Approaches & Theories of IR IR1306 3
Introduction to Nation State System 3
total 17
Semester Course Title Course Code Credit Hours
III English- III: Public Speaking & Presentation Skills EN2303 3
Geo Political Structures of the World IR2203 3
IR: 1648 – 1945 IR2303 3
Research Methodology IR2405 3
General Science BS1004 3
Sociology HU1401 3
total 18
Semester Course Title Course Code Credit Hours
IV IR since 1945 IR2304 3
Introduction to International Law IR2102 3
Foreign Policy Analysis IR2309 3
Globalization and IR IR2307 3
Introduction to Economics MS1406 3
State & Its Institutions in Pakistan IR2007 3
total 18
Semester Course Title Course Code Credit Hours
V Foreign Policy of Pakistan IR3310 3
Strategic Studies IR3204 3
Regional & International Organizations IR3311 3
Critical Thinking & Analysis in IR IR3205 3
Introduction to International Security IR3205 3
Politics of International Economy IR3312 3
total 18
Semester Course Title Course Code Credit Hours
VI Diplomacy: Theory & Practice IR3206 3
Conflict Management & Resolution IR3212 3
International Politics of Human Rights IR3315 3
Constitutional Development of Pakistan IR3102 3
Nuclear Studies IR3207 3
Media, Politics and Policy Making IR3312 3
total 18
Semester Course Title Course Code Credit Hours
VII Research Methods and Term Paper Writing EN-4108 3
Introduction to Applied Linguistics (Elective I) EN-4109 3
Introduction to Stylistics EN-4110 3
Literary Theory and Practice EN-4015 3
Pakistani Literature in English (Elective II) EN-4016 3
total 15
Semester Course Title Course Code Credit Hours
VIII Introduction to Translation Studies Elective III EN-4111 3
American Literature (Elective III) EN-4017 3
Postcolonial Literature EN-4018 3
Introduction to Cognitive Linguistics EN-4112 3
Discourse Analysis EN-4113 3
total 15
total credit hours 136