DHA Suffa University’s IERC (International Education Resource Center) would like to bring to the attention of DSU’s students and alumni that the Indonesian Government is offering a fully funded scholarship for international students for postgraduate studies at some of the most renowned Indonesian universities. The scholarship will be open for applications from 16th Jan 2023 until Feb 2023. More details can be downloaded from the following links:…/1LTbxxL0cdUUrRAmF5pj…/view…


Talk by Dr. Markus Markert on scope of International Relations

The Fall’ 22 session of DSU’s BS (International Relations) program started with an informative guest lecture presented by Dr. Marcus Markert, who is an astute Professor of International Relations from Germany. Dr. Marcus Markert has earned his D.Phil and MPhil degrees in International Relations from Oxford University. He comprehensively discussed the multi-dimensional  nature of IR, its scope and career opportunities for students pursing a degree in IR. In his talk, Dr. Marcus meticulously gauged all important aspects of changing global trends of politics and foreign policy making and its significance in the context of Pakistan.  Dr. Samreen Bari (Assistant Professor and Program Manager -IR) welcomed the distinguished foreign scholar, whereas, the thank you note was presented by Mr. Naqi Azam, Senior Advisor to Vice Chancellor DSU. The session was attended by Dr Saba Sahar ( Director Research, Center for Strategic Studies Sind (CISSS), DSU’s faculty members and DSU’s students in a large number.

DSU wishes Happy Independence Day

DSU management wishes Happy Independence Day to all Faculty members, non-teaching staff and students