Learn about DHA Suffa University’s efforts to contribute to societal well-being and ethical practices.
DHA Suffa University established its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) department in the year 2017 in line with the university’s vision to contribute significantly to nation building. The scope of CSR activities at DSU include community involvement and philanthropy for the development of communities, initiatives involving health and safety, efforts towards environmental protection and sustainability as well as variety of further initiatives aimed at facilitating students that belong to disadvantages segments of society. The CSR department strives to engage DSU students in volunteering activities via the Community Service and Sustainability Program (CSSP) and to create awareness related to various aspects of CSR by arranging a variety of free sessions for DSU faculty, staff and students. Furthermore, the CSR department aims to work on the development of policies and procedures to facilitate CSR activities at DSU. In addition, the students of the Community Service and Conservation Society (CSCS) at DSU work in collaboration with the CSR department to ensure that DSU students are actively involved in organization and participation of CSR activities and events that are conducted by the CSR department.
The mission of DSU’s CSR department is to embed the concept of social responsibility across all elements of the University.


- Align all CSR activities and events with the DSU’s vision and mission statement which are based on the goal of nation building.
- To improve the visibility, reputation and image of DSU by engaging in CSR activities that are for the betterment of society and mankind.
- To invoke and instill a sense of CSR and community involvement in DSU faculty, staff and students.
- Formation of Industrial linkages with organizations and institutions extending CSR activities.
- To make DSU an institute that not only offers academic programs, rather produces graduates that are all rounded, humble, empathetic individuals that have contributed to the society greatly.
The university has made the completion of 60 hours of community service a mandatory requirement for undergraduate students of the Management Sciences Department. To ensure that students can complete their community service hours in a structured manner, the CSR department launched the Community Service and Sustainability Program in Fall 2017.
The Community Service and Sustainability Program (CSSP) at DHA Suffa University (DSU) is based on the theme of giving time or talent for the benefit of a community group (not for profit) that has a genuine need for service. The CSSP is an action program that allows an individual to learn, serve, and transform their lives. While classroom teaching can help students learn about homelessness, extreme cases of poverty and societal problems, social service is the main driver that enables students to learn more dynamically. Such form of learning is essential for the success of a student’s professional growth. The CSSP plays an important role in invoking a sense of civic responsibility in an individual. To ensure that DSU’s vision of nation building is materialized, the university has made community service a mandatory requirement for undergraduate students of the Management Sciences Department.