The Department of Humanities and Social Sciences at DSU is a degree rewarding department offering 04 years Bachelor of Studies (BS) degree in 03 distinct fields:
i. BS English
ii. BS International Relations
iii. BS Psychology
These 03 degree programs offered in HU & SS department have great scope and demand in local and international job markets. HU & SS is also serving as support department to other academic departments complementing their efforts in teaching students to make clear, informed and consistent reasoning in the articulation of ideas. The department aims at improving global competitiveness of students through developing analytical and critical thinking skills, language skills, computational skills and problem solving skills through cultivating in depth knowledge.


The Faculty of Department of Humanities and Social Sciences is a perfect blend of experienced and qualified teachers, who have attended as well as taught at renowned national and international institutions. The department boasts of faculty who are active researchers in their areas of interest. The Faculty contributes in teaching at home department the courses of English, International Relations and Psychology, as well as, the compulsory and fundamental courses of Engineering, Computer Science and Management programs, which include courses on English Composition, Islamic Studies, Ethics, Pakistan Studies, Functional English, Communication Skills and Technical Report Writing.

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