To develop comprehensive understanding of emerging socio-political scenario of the contemporary world so as to enable the young graduates build their personality as socially responsible professionals and accomplished citizens.

Brig. Prof. Dr. Ahmed Saeed Minhas

Professor and Vice Chancellor

Dr. Samreen Bari

Assistant Professor and

Dr. Razi Sultan Siddiqui

Postgraduate Programs Coordinator (HSS)

Dr. Asbah Zia

Assistant Professor and
PM (BS Psy)

Dr. Muhammad Ali Ehsan

Assistant Professor

Dr. Ahmed Raza

Assistant Professor

Dr. Sundus Basharat

Assistant Professor and

Ms. Nadia Kaleem

Senior Lecturer and

Ms. Zarafshan Sami

Student Counselling

Ms. Fatima Kiran

Senior Lecturer

Ms. Sania Ali


Ms. Nida Batool


Ms. Sarwat Anjum


Ms. Hina Saleem Khan


Mr. Jibran Khan


Scroll to Top

Brig. Prof. Dr. Ahmed Saeed Minhas

Professor & Vice Chancellor

• HEC Approved PhD Supervisor
• PhD (International Relations) Quaid-e-Azam University (QAU), Islamabad
• MSc (Defence and Strategic Studies) Quaid-e-Azam University (QAU), Islamabad


• Professor, Department of International Relations, DHA Suffa University, Karachi
• Vice Chancellor, DHA Suffa University, Karachi

Research Interests:

• Strategic Management
• Contemporary World
• International Political Economy
• National and strategic Security
• Employee Ethics


HEC Recognized Publications Other Publications Newspaper Articles Book Chapter
27 10 17 1

For detailed profile, visit following link:


Contact Information:
Email: ahmedsaeedminhas81@dsu.edu.pk

Dr. Samreen Bari

Assistant Professor & HoD (HSS)

  • Ph. D in International Relations from University of Karachi
  • M.A in International Relations from University of Karachi
  • Associate degree in Textile Technology from Textile Institute of Pakistan (T.I.P)

Work Experience:

  • Assistant Professor – BS IR Program (April 2022)
  • Lecturer – BS IR Program (October 2021 – March 2022)
  • Visiting Lecturer – The Smart College, Gulshan-e-Iqbal Campus (2016 – 2018)
  • Visiting Lecturer– University of Karachi (Spring 2017 – Fall 2017)
  • Lecturer – Dadabhoy Institute of Higher Education (2017 – 2019)

Research Publications:

  1. Soft Power: An Invasion to Pakistani Culture
  2. Diminishing local Languages in the Era of Globalization: A Case Study of Pakistan
  3. Water Crisis between Turkey, Syria, and Iraq and Its Implications
  4. Women in Pakistan-social mobility, human development, and empowerment
  5. Political Islam as Explained by Sayyid Qutb and Maulana Mawdudi a Comparison
  6. Cultural Globalization In A Contest With The State And Nationalism
  7. Structural cultural globalization: A threat to positive and sustainable peace
  8. Communism, an incomplete unforgettable tale, a case study of Pakistan published in Pakistan Journal of International Affairs.

Conference Papers

  • Challenges of Women Empowerment and Human development in Pakistan’ presented in International Conference organized by the University of Karachi in Oct 2016.
  • Structural globalization: a threat to positive and sustainable peace presented in an international conference in Nov 2017.
  • Cultural Globalization and Nation States’ presented in International Conference organized by Benazir Bhutto University on 7th August 2018.

Supervision of Research Articles:

  • Effect of Islamic culture and religion on the consumption of halal food among the younger generation of Pakistan by Rafia Alkasiri, Sharmeen Jawaid, Wajiha Farooq (Students Bahria University, Karachi) published in Asian Social Sciences Review.
  • Attitude towards the cultural appropriation of fashion: a survey with the Pakistani population by Faryal Jabeen Haye, Hooriya Rais, Maheera Saleem, Zarnaaz Ishaq (Student Institute of Professional Psychology Bahria University) published in Asian Social Sciences Review.

Articles Published in different newspapers


















PAKISTAN TODAY The water crises in Turkey, Syria and Iraq









Dr. Razi Sultan Siddiqui

Director Student Counselling & Development, Postgraduate Programs Coordinator, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences


  • Awardee National Post-Doctoral Fellowship
  • PhD (Psychology)
  • MS (Management Sciences)
  • MBA (HRM & Marketing)
  • MSc (Psychology)
  • BSc (Hons) in Psychology

Research Interests:

  • Diagnosing and Treating Mental Health Disorders, Depression, Anxiety and Stress
  • Exploring Behavior in Family Contexts, Gender, and Marital Relations
  • Examining Learning and Development in Educational Settings, Bullying, Self-Harm, Substance Use Disorders
  • Studying Workplace Behavior, Self-esteem, Emotional Intelligence
  • Promoting Health and Preventing Illness


  1. Siddiqui, R. S., Shah, I,. (2012) A Gender based Comparison Between Married and Unmarried Young Adults International Research Journal of Arts & Humanities ISSN: 1016-9342 Vol. 40, No. 40. (HEC Recognized: “Y Category”)
  2. Siddiqui, R. S., & Hassan, A., (2012) Relationship between Job Satisfaction and Employee Turnover Intention Global Management Journal for Academic & Corporate Studies ISSN: 2219-6145 Vol. 2, Issue 1, 2012. (HEC Recognized: “Y Category”)
  3. Siddiqui, R. S., Hassan, A., & Syed, N. A., (2013) Impact of Emotional Intelligence on Employees Turnover Rate in FMCG Organizations Pakistan Journal of Commerce and Social Sciences ISSN: 1997-8553 Vol. 7, No. 2. (HEC Recognized: “Y Category”)
  4. Krys, K., Capaldi, C. A., van Tilburg, W., Lipp, O. V., Bond, M. H., Vauclair, M., Siddiqui, R. S., …, Ahmed, R. A., (2017) Catching up with wonderful women: The women-are-wonderful effect is smaller in more gender egalitarian societies. International Journal of Psychology. http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/ijop.12420 (Research Journal: International Journal of Psychology, Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell, Impact Factor: 1.867 , HEC Recognized: “W Category)
  5. Conroy-Beam, D., Buss, D. M., Asao, K., Sorokowska, A., Sorokowski, P., Aavik, T., Siddiqui, R. S., … Zupančič, M. (2019). Contrasting Computational Models of Mate Preference Integration Across 45 Countries. Scientific Reports, 9(1). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-019-52748-8 (Research Journal: Scientific Reports, Publisher: Nature Research, Impact Factor: 3.998, HEC Recognized: “W Category”)
  6. Conroy-beam, D., Roney, J. R., Lukaszewski, A. W., Buss, D. M., Asao, K., Sorokowska, A., Siddiqui, R. S.,… Zupančič, M. (2019). Assortative mating and the evolution of desirability covariation. Evolution and Human Behavior, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.evolhumbehav.2019.06.003 (Research Journal: Evolution and Human Behavior, Publisher: ELSVIER, Science Direct, Impact Factor: 2.959, HEC Recognized: “W Category”) 
  7. Siddiqui, R. S., Jahangir, A. A., & Hassan, A. (2019). Gender Differences on Perceived Social Support and Psychological Distress among University Students. Global Management Journal for Academic & Corporate Studies, 9(2), 148–157 (HEC Recognized: “Y Category”)
  8. Walter, K. V., Conroy-Beam, D., Buss, D. M., Asao, K., Sorokowska, A., Sorokowski, P., Siddiqui, R. S., … Zupančič, M. (2020). Sex Differences in Mate Preferences Across 45 Countries: A Large-Scale Replication. Psychological Science. https://doi.org/10.1177/0956797620904154 (Research Journal: Psychological Science, Publisher: SAGE Publications, Impact Factor: 4.902, HEC Recognized: “W Category”)
  9. Walter, K. V., Conroy-Beam, D., Buss, D. M., Asao, K., Sorokowska, A., Sorokowski, P., Siddiqui, R. S., … Zupančič, M. (2020). Sex Differences in human mate Preferences vary across sex ratios. Procedings of the Royal Society B 228 (1995), 202 (Research Journal: Procedings of the Royal Society B, Publisher: The Royal Society, HEC Recognized: “W Category”)
  10. Sorokowska, A., Saluja, S., Sorokowski, P., Frąckowiak, T., Karwowski, M., Aavik, T., Siddiqui, R.S., … & Croy, I. (2021). Affective Interpersonal Touch in Close Relationships: A Cross-Cultural Perspective. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, https://doi:10.1177/0146167220988373. (Research Journal: Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, Publisher: SAGE Publications, Impact Factor: 2.961, HEC Recognized: “W Category”)
  11. Siddiqui, R, S., Khan, A. A., Saad, M., Sultan, L. R. (2022). Analysis of Customer Satisfaction to Internal Ambiance of Vehicles using Predictive Analytic Modeling. (Resaech Journal: Sustainable Business and Society in Emerging Economies 4 (1), 231-246  (HEC Recognized: “Y Category”)
  12. P Sorokowski, M Kowal, RJ Sternberg, T Aavik, G Akello, MM Alhabahba, … Siddiqui, R, S., (2023). Modernization, collectivism, and gender equality predict love experiences in 45 countries. Scientific reports 13 (1), 773 (Research Journal: Scientific Reports, Publisher: Nature Research, Impact Factor: 3.998, HEC Recognized: “W Category”)
  13. KV Walter, D Conroy-Beam, DM Buss, K Asao, A Sorokowska, … Siddiqui, R, S., (2023). Correction to: ‘Sex differences in human mate preferences vary across sex ratios’ (2023) by Walter et al. (Research Journal: Proceedings of the Royal Society B 290 (2003) HEC Recognized: “W Category”)
  14. M Rizwan, M, Shah, I., Siddiqui, R, S., (2023). Religious (Salat) Behavior and Suicidality among Youth in Pakistan. Progressive Research Journal of Arts & Humanities (PRJAH) 5 (2), 69-80 (HEC Recognized: “Y Category”)
  15. Rizwan, M., Siddiqui, R. S., & Ali. (2017). Suicide Risk Potential: A Comparison of Psychiatric Patients and Normal Controls in Pakistan. Psychol Behav Sci Int J. 6(2): 555685. DOI: 10.19080/PBSIJ.2017.06.555685.
  16. Rizwan, M., Malik, S., Malik, J. N., & Siddiqui, S. R. (2017) Urdu Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale: An Analysis of Reliability and Validity in Pakistan. Social Int J. 1(2): 00010. DOI: 10.15406/sij.2017.01.00010.

Contact Information:

Email: razi@dsu.edu.pk

Dr. Asbah Zia

Assistant Professor & Program Manager (BS Psychology)

Dr. Asbah Zia accomplished her doctorate in Psychology from the University of Karachi in December 2020. Besides being an active researcher, she has vast academic, training, and consulting experience. She also provides counseling for psychological and behavioral issues and is willing to spread awareness regarding mental health issues. She has a keen interest in research work and is eager to participate in research-related activities to provide awareness about well-known societal issues. Her areas of research interest are family relationships, societal issues, and psychological distress related to personal and professional life. She has expertise in psychometric testing through interviews, questionnaires, and psychological tests (Rorschach, HFD, PAI, TAT, WAIS, BFI, MBTI, and others).

She worked on some projects for UNDP where she provided training sessions to youth related to life and soft skills. She has been involved in Teaching, Training, Consulting, and Mentoring to develop pleasant and healthy personalities with productivity and minimal psychological issues.

  • PhD (Psychology) University of Karachi, Karachi
  • M.Phil (Psychology) University of Karachi, Karachi
  • M.A (Clinical Psychology) University of Karachi, Karachi
  • B.A (Hons) University of Karachi, Karachi


      • Assistant Professor & Program Manager (BS Psychology)
  • Humanities and Social Sciences Department, DHA Suffa University
  • Editor: Suffa Journal of Interdisciplinary Psychology (SJIP)

Professional Experience:

  • More than 12 years, of teaching, training, and consulting experience.

Strength and Skills:

  • Teaching
  • Training
  • Administrative Abilities
  • Psychological Testing
  • Counseling

Research Interests:

  • Family relationships
  • Interpersonal Problems
  • Social issues
  • Social Media Impact
  • Psychological distress
  • Marketing

Published Research Projects:

  • “Impact of Interpersonal Communication for Contraceptive Uses among Married Couples in Karachi” Qlantic Journal of Social Sciences, Pakistan (February 2024). https://doi.org/10.55737/qjss.129649283
  • “Impact of Strategic Leadership, Entrepreneurial Orientation, and Organizational Innovation on Organizational Performance: Harnessing Data to Understand the Mediating Role of Knowledge Management: A Case Study of SMEs in Pakistan” Asian Bulletin of Big Data Management, Pakistan (November 2023).


  • “Impact of Digital Marketing on the Tourism Industry Business Profitability of UAE through the Role of Effectiveness” IUB Journal of Social Sciences, Bahawalpur, Pakistan (November 2023).


  • “Unveiling the Silent Epidemic: Exploring Infant Mortality in Pakistan through the Lens of Education and Media Psychology” Pakistan Journal of Media Sciences, Karachi Pakistan (August 2023).


  • “The Relationship of Emotional Intelligence and Life Satisfaction with Resilience in Students” Annals of Psychophysiology, Karachi Pakistan (June 2023).


  • “Psychological Well-being and Job Satisfaction in Middle-Aged Adults” Pakistan Journal of Social Research, Islamabad Pakistan. (March 2023).


“Investigation of Imposter Phenomenon And Its Relation to Perfectionism in Pakistani Working Women” Bahria Journal of Professional Psychology, Karachi-Pakistan (March, 2021)


  • “Usage of Social Media, Age, Introversion and Narcissism: A Correlational Study” Bahria Journal of Professional Psychology, Karachi-Pakistan (Oct, 2019)


  • “Father and Daughter Relationship and its impact on Daughter’s Self-Esteem and

Academic Achievement” Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, Rome-Italy (March 2015)


  • “Positive Father and Daughter Relationship and its impact on Daughter’s Interpersonal Problems” Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, University of Karachi, Karachi- Pakistan (December 2014)


Contact Information:

Email: asbah.zia@dsu.edu.pk

Extension: 130

Dr. Muhammad Ali Ehsan

Assistant Professor 

Experienced academic and researcher with a PhD in International Relations, specializing in civil-military relations and global security. I have held leadership roles such as Dean of Social Sciences at Garrison University and have a strong teaching background at prominent universities. With a proven track record in publishing scholarly work and contributing to policy discussions through regular columns, I am committed to applying my expertise in international relations to support students’ learning and contribute to the academic community.

Academic Experience

Assistant Professor 2024

DHA Suffa University Karachi

Postdoctoral Scholar and professor of International Relations 2024
Tomsk State University, Russia

Postdoctoral Research Scholar 2023 – 2024
Kazan Federal University, Russia

Assistant Professor – International Relations 2021 – 2023
SZABIST University, Karachi

Dean – Social Sciences 2020 – 2021
Garrison University, Lahore

Assistant Professor – International Relations 2018 – 2020
National Defense University, Islamabad

Assistant Professor – Social Sciences 2016 – 2018
SZABIST University, Karachi

Adjunct Faculty – International Relations 2021 – 2023
DHA Suffa University, Karachi

Visiting Faculty – International Relations 2022 – 2023
Bahria University, Karachi


Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in International Relations 2012 – 2017
University of Karachi, Pakistan

Master of Philosophy (MPhil) in International Relations 2010 – 2012
University of Karachi, Pakistan

Master of Arts (MA) in International Relations 2008 – 2010
University of Karachi, Pakistan

Executive Masters in Business Administration (EMBA) 2007 – 2008
Preston University, Islamabad


Two Years of Democracy in Pakistan  2021
ISBN: 9789697280353

The Russian-Ukraine Crisis  2023
ISBN: 978-969-728-047-6

Will Pakistan Witness Another Military Takeover? 2016
Donnish Journal of Political Science and International Relations,
Vol. 2, November 2016

“Turkey and Pakistan: A Democratic Comparison Under an Environment 2018
 of Declining Relations with the USA”
Pakistan Journal of American Studies,
Vol. 36, Spring 2018

“United States and Taliban’s Peace Deal: Developing Scenarios” 2019
Journal of Faculty of Contemporary Studies, NDU Islamabad,
Vol. IX, Winter 2019

Upcoming Publications (2024)

  1. New Middle Eastern Strategy for Russia
  2. Expanding Political Goals: America’s Failing Strategy in Ukraine
  3. China & Taiwan: Mitigating Growing Geopolitical Crisis
  4. Analysis of the Changing World Order

Guest Lectures & Workshops

National Security Workshop on Civil-Military Relations 2020
National Defense University, Islamabad, Pakistan

FCS NDU Workshop on Pakistan-US Relations 2020
National Defense University, Islamabad, Pakistan

OIC Youth Workshop 2023
Member of Selection Panel, Kazan Federal University, Russia

Dr. Ahmed Raza

Assistant Professor 

Dr. Sundus Basharat

Assistant Professor & Program Manager (IR)


– Ph.D. in International Relations (CGPA: 3.67/4.00), University of Management Technology (UMT) Lahore (2020-Ongoing)

– M.Phil in Peace and Conflict Studies (CGPA: 3.88/4.00), National Defense University Islamabad (2009-2011). Distinction in Dissertation.

– M.Sc in Defense and Strategic Studies (CGPA: 3.67/4.00), Quaid-i-Azam University Islamabad (2006-2008)

– BA in Applied Psychology, Sociology, Persian (1st Division), Islamabad College for Girls F-6/2, Islamabad (2004-2006)

– FSc (Pre-Medical), Islamabad College for Girls F-6/2, Islamabad (2002-2004)

– Matriculation (Pre-Medical), Civil Aviation Model School No.2, Karachi (2002)

Work Experience

Sundus has a diverse professional background that includes teaching, research, and editorial roles. She currently serves as a Lecturer at Suffa University, Karachi, where she imparts knowledge in the field of International Relations. Additionally, she has held visiting faculty positions at prestigious institutions such as Bahria University, University of Sargodha, Aitchison College, and Minhaj University, teaching various courses related to international relations, conflict resolution, and peace studies. She has been teaching the following courses of IR.

  1. Conflict Management and Resolution
  2. Geopolitical Structure of the World
  3. Peace Psychology
  4. Dynamics of Kashmir
  5. Evolution of State
  6. Diplomacy
  7. Enlightened Moderation and the Muslim World,
  8. Introduction to International Relations
  9. Ethics and Moral Philosophy
  10. Theories and Approaches of International Relations
  11. Foreign Policy of Pakistan
  12. Strategic Dynamics of South Asia
  13. Sociology of Peace and Conflict.
  14. Dimensions of Modern Strategy
  15. State and Its Institutions in Pakistan
  16. Comparative Foreign Policy of USA, Russia, and China 


  • S. & Sajjad. F. (2022). “Media and Peacebuilding between India and Pakistan: The Case of Kartarpur Corridor.” Journal of Mass Communication Department, Dept of Mass Communication, University of Karachi, 27(2). Retrieved from https://jmcd-uok.com/index.php/jmcd/article/view/242
  • Basharat.S.&Qureshi.A (2022). “Dr Israr Ahmad: An Analysis of His Ideology About Political Islam and Examining Its Practicality” Al Salihat,Vol. 1 No. 01 (2022): Jan-Jun 2022 Retrieved from https://al-salihat.com/index.php/Journal/article/view/6

Conferences And Workshops

  • Paper Presented on March 2023 “News Media as an Arena of War and Peace: An Analysis of Indo-Pak Contestations” in The 3rd International Conference on Business, Management and Social Sciences (ICBMASS-23)
  • Paper Presented on Feb 2022 “Media and Peacebuilding between India- Pakistan: A case of Kartarpur Corridor” in International Media Conference at Karachi University.
  • Paper Presented on June 2021 “Media and Peacebuilding between India- Pakistan: A case of Kartarpur Corridor” in Emerging Trends in Arts and Humanities at the University of Punjab.
  • Paper Presented on Oct 2020 “Transition to Online Education in Universities during COVID-19: Assessing the Learners’ Perception of UMT Students” in All Pakistan Online Education Summit 2.0.
  • Paper Presented on May 2020 “Paradigm Shift in International Relations   Theory? Lessons Learnt from Covid-19” in All Pakistan Online Education Summit.
  • Paper Presented in Women in Business and Leadership Conference (WIBCON 2016)

Ms. Nadia Kaleem

Senior Lecturer & PM (Eng)

MPhil English (Literature) Gold Medalist, Iqra University

Master of Arts (English Linguistics), Greenwich University

Master of Arts (English Literature), Greenwich University

Contact Information


Extension: 314

Ms. Zarafshan Sami

Student Counselling Executive

MSc. (Clinical Psychology) from University of Karachi, Pakistan

BSc. (Hons.) Psychology from University of Karachi, Pakistan

Professional Experience

Client Relation Officer in PsyCares Institute of Assessment. Karachi

Teaching Assistant in DHA Suffah University. Karachi

Child Counsellor at Eagle-Grammar School Campus-I Karachi

Professional Skills

  • Student Counselling and Assessment
  • Psychotherapy
  • Behaviour Modification
  • Active Listening and Catharsis

Contact Information


Ms. Fatima Kiran


  • PhD. in Mass Communication: Enrolled in 2020 at University of Karachi (In progress)
  • M.PHIL. in Mass Communication: 2020 from University of Karachi, with (Thesis and highest CGPA 3.73/4.0)
  • M.PHIL Dissertation topic: Health risk communication of chronic diseases in the leading newspapers of Pakistan: A content analysis (January’17-December’17)
  • Master of Arts in Mass Communication: 2016 from University of Karachi, with 2nd position (CGPA: 3.4/4.0)
  • Master’s Dissertation: Survey on Addiction of Social Networking Websites in Youngsters.
  • Bachelor (Honors) of Arts in Mass Communication: 2015 from University of Karachi, with 2nd position (CGPA: 3.0/4.0)


I have a strong research focus towards prevention and control of global diseases by strategic communication skills. Extremely motivated to deliver long term communication solutions for complex public health issues.


  • Communication Sciences
  • Strategic communication
  • Risk Communication
  • Media Literacy
  • Health Literacy
  • Development studies


  • Statistical analysis of Salman Taseer and Mumtaz Qadri case coverage in Daily Express and Daily the Nation. Shafiq O, Kiran F. Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences. 2018; 14: 254-260
  • Coverage of Honor Killing: A Content Analysis of English Language Newspapers of Pakistan. Kiran F. Journal of Mass Communication & Journalism. 2019; 8: 401. doi: 10.4172/2165-7912.1000401
  • Assessing role of Newspapers in creating awareness of HIV/AIDS in Pakistan. Kiran F, Mahmood S. Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities. 2019; 58 : 215-226


International Conference on Media and Conflict

  • Media and conflict research volume series 2019: War and peace journalism: A critical analysis of newspapers coverage on Operation Rah-e-Haq III and Rad-ul-Fasad in Pakistan.



Department of Humanities

Visiting Faculty, March 2020- October 2020

Teach course: Media Studies

Redesign the complete course with more practical approach of learning.


Department of Mass Communication

Visiting Faculty, January 2019- December 2019

Teach courses: Elementary Journalism and Mass Communication, Mass Media and Society and Mass Media in the Modern World.


Silent Epidemic, Social Injustice or Exaggerated Health Concern? Evaluating Newspaper Discourse in Infant Mortality and Public Health Policy Issues of Pakistan.

Symposium on International Media Conference on Role of Media in Poverty alleviation & Promoting Social Injustice, AMCAP-BUKC, Karachi, February 2020.

 War and peace journalism: A critical analysis of newspapers coverage on Operation Rah-e-Haq III and Rad-ul-Fasad in Pakistan.

Symposium on 1st International Conference on Media and Conflict, Pakistan peace collective project ministry of information and broadcasting Government of Pakistan, Islamabad, May, 2019.


Software: Microsoft Office (Excel, PowerPoint, Access and Microsoft Outlook), SPSS, G Suite, OBS and Photoshop.

Ms. Sania Ali


  • MPhil English (Linguistics), NUML, Islamabad
  • BS English (Literature and Linguistics), NUML, Islamabad

Contact Information

  • ⁠sania.ali@dsu.edu.pk
  • Extension: 315

Ms. Nida Batool


• M.Phil English, Sardar Bahadur Khan Women’s University Quetta
• B.S English, Sardar Bahadur Khan Women’s University Quetta

Technical Skill Set:
• Driven and determined, passionate
• Good communication skills
• A creative approach to new campaigns
• Good negotiating and interpersonal skills, strong organizational skills
• Experience of curriculum designing and teaching
• Skills to conduct research, analyze results, and share findings
• A high standard of computer literacy, MS Office and familiarity with statistical packages (SPSS)

• A Study of Slave Psychology as a result of Slavery in the Context of “Color Puple”
• Women Objectification: A Post-Feminist Study of Neuromancer

Contact Information:
Email: nida.batool@dsu.edu.pk

Ms. Sarwat Anjum


  • MPhil English (Applied Linguistics), Mehran University of Engineering and Technology
  • BS English (Applied Linguistics), Mehran University of Engineering and Technology

Contact Information

Research areas 

Critical Language Pedagogy, AI in Education (AIEd) & Decoloniality perspective in ELT.



Aziz, N., & Anjum, S. (2023) Students’ and Teachers’ Perceptions About English Language Teaching During Covid-19 At Secondary School Level

Hyderabad, Pakistan. Academy of Education and Social Sciences Review. Vol 3(2).



Anjum, S & Shah, W.A. (2024). ‘Negotiating local linguistic and

epistemic realities through critical language pedagogy (CLP)’ to the journal of

Pedagogy, Culture and Society by Tylor and Francis (JUFO 1).




Ms. Hina Saleem Khan


Mr. Jibran Khan


MPhil English (Linguistics), Iqra University

Master of Arts (Mass Communication), University of Karachi

Master of Arts (English Linguistics), University of Karachi

Master of Arts (English Literature)


Contact Information


Extension: 321