To provide students with engineering knowledge and skills to contribute in the progress of society by offering undergraduate and graduate degree programs in mechanical engineering of high international standards in a conducive environment that promotes active learning and research.
Academic Background:
Dr. Hussain has bachelors in Mechanical Engineering from NED University of Engineering & Technology, Karachi in 1989. After completing the Masters in Nuclear Engineering from Quaid-e-Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan, he joined Karachi Institute of Power Engineering in 1991 which is an affiliated with PIEAS, Islamabad. Dr. Hussain was associated with this institute as a faculty member and researcher until 2010. In 2002, he was awarded Commonwealth Scholarship for Ph.D in Mechanical Engineering. During my Ph.D, he had designed and fabricated my combustion test rig and did a number of experiments on that rig for low grade coal combustion and gasification. During his stay in Malaysia, he was involved in a number of research projects for state owned giants like SIRIM Berhad and Tenaga Nasional Berhad. Dr Hussain moved to Saudi Arabia in December 2010 and have worked for King Abdul University at Jeddah Campus for about five years during which he acquired research funding for various research projects whose details will follow later in his resume. Dr. Hussain has recently got a US patent accepted a patent number has been issued. After his return to Pakistan in 2016, he joined as Tenure Track Professor at NED University, Karachi. Dr. Hussain has more than 2 years of post Ph.D experience and a total teaching experience of 27 years.
During his stay at King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, KSA, he worked as Advisor Research for two years. During this period he organized the research publications work at KAU which helped the University to climb up in QS Rankings. A number of grants were also secured during this period. Later on I was actively involved in the ABET accreditation process. Worked as Director, ORIC at SZABIST, Karachi. A number of startups were initiated our which were supported by private companies. Also handling a grant of about 81 Million Pak Rupees on Predictive Analytics Lab. SZABIST has won a TDF grant of 14 M to make documentaries Highlighting H.E.C/T.D.F Success Stories. This is the video documentary project. Currently working as Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Suffa University, Karachi
WORK EXPERIENCE ( Total Teaching/Administrative and Research Experience of 27 Years)
Worked for about 20 years at Karachi Nuclear Power Complex which is first installed nuclear power plant of Pakistan. I was involved in addressing design related issues of the plant in addition to teaching professional courses related to Plant. Before coming to Saudi Arabia, I was working as Head, Mechanical at KINPOE/PIEAS.
1. Ph.D. Research Project on Circulating Fluidized Bed Coal Combutor
The purpose of this study is to investigate the hydrodynamic behavior and thermo chemical performance of biomass and coal blends in a Circulating Fluidized Bed (CFB), which is an upcoming technology in Malaysia. Thermochemical studies for palm shell wastes and coal blends were done in a hot circulating fluidized-bed (CFB) test rig, installed at SIRIM Berhad, Shah Alam,
2. Consultation Work For SIRIM Berhad, Malaysia On Municipal Waste Combustion
A consultation work was done for SIRIM Berhad, Shah Alam on the project titled “Computer modelling of a municipal solid waste combustor for different fuel mixtures” from May-July 2004. Numerical simulations of the flow field inside the primary and secondary combustion chambers provided the temperature profiles and the concentration data at the nodal points of computational grids. Parametric study was also done to minimize the NOx emissions.
3. Consultation work for Tenaga Nasional Berhad, Malaysia on Combustion Simulation for Palm Olein Blended Fuel
Work related to experimental and combustion simulation was done for TNB from September 2004 – April 2005 on a project titled “Experimental and simulations studies of combustion test firing of blended palm olein-distillate oil in laboratory combustion test rig”. As far as the temperature distribution, flame structure and NOx emissions are concerned; it is not useful that the palm olein blending should be used in excess of 40%. For high blended fuel, the excessive soot particles may cause damage to turbine blades.
4. Consultation Work for SIRIM Berhad, Malaysia on Combustion Studies of Oil Palm Shell Waste
A joint research project is being initiated in June 2005 between Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, UTM and SIRIM Berhad, Shah Alam to investigate efficient combustion method for solid wastes in Malaysia. Circulating fluidized-bed technology is considered to be one of the most suitable techniques to thermally convert different fuels into useful energy. The purpose of the tests is to investigate the suitability of the selected fuels for energy production using CFBC while taking care of the flue gas emissions.
5. Quality Assurance Criteria For Managers In Energy Sector
This research was done to develop energy conservation culture in our society and also prepare manpower for designated posts such as energy officers, energy auditors and energy managers. The importance of energy management and conservation will help to withstand nation in upcoming competitive industrialized global environment. Certification methodology for energy officers, energy auditors and energy managers is designed particularly for Pakistani working environment along with the accreditation of institutes in private sector which will provide training and carry out official energy audits.
6. Nuclear Desalination
There is a grown interest in the area of nuclear desalination i.e., the production of freshwater via seawater desalination using nuclear energy using nuclear generating units. A number of countries are currently engaged in this activity. A nuclear desalination demonstration facility (4,500 m3/d MED coupled to a PHWR) in Karachi, Pakistan is currently working under testing phase. Techno-economic feasibilities are being done to make nuclear desalination a viable option is being done now which is important for coastal countries, which are suffering or will soon suffer serious water shortages.
The following funded projects were done during my stay at King Abdul Aziz University.
1- Energy Management Studies of Faculty of Engineering at King Abdul Aziz University, Rabigh, Saudi Arabia (SR 50,000 KAU Funded Project, Already Completed)
2-Pyrolysis and devolatization behavior of Palm dates wastes (KAU Funding available – SR 50,000, Completed)
3-Pyrolysis process development and surface chemical treatment of palm wastes based activated carbon to improve its adsorption capacity in industrial wastewater treatment process (KACST Funded Project – 2 Million SR)
4-Hydrodynamic and fluidization behavior in a Circulating Fluidized Bed Riser (KAU Funding Available – SR 50,000, Completed)
United States PATENT:
Iqbal Ahmed, Ahmad Hussain, Hani Hussain Sait (2017) HIGH PERFORMANCE MINI-PUMP FOR LIQUIDS, United States Patent Application Publication, Pub. No.: US 2017/0184122 A1; Pub. January, 2019
1. Asifa Bashir, Farzana Hanif, Ghazala Yasmeen, Fazal Mabood, Ahmad Hussain, Naseem Abbas, Ammar Bin Yousaf, Muhammad Aamir, Suryyia Manzoor (2019) Polyaniline based magnesium nanoferrite composites as efficient photocatalysts for the photodegradation of Indigo Carmine in aqueous solutions, Desalination and Water Treatment, doi:10.5004/dwt.2019.24394, Accepted Article 7-6-2019,
Impact Factor = 1.383
2. Ahmad Hussain, Iqbal Ahmad, Mahrukh Zaidi (2019) The Importance of Seawater Intake and Its Treatment Techniques for RO Desalination Plant, Pakistan Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research, PCSIR, Scientific Information Centre. Accepted Article in Press. (HEC – Y Category Journal) Accepted 5-3-2019
3. Ahmad Hussain, Faraz Junejo, Muhammad Nauman Qureshi, Afzal HAque (2019) Hydrodynamic and combustion behavior of low-grade coals in the riser of a circulating fluidized bed combustor, NUST Journal of Engineering Sciences, Accepted Article in Press. (HEC – X Category Journal) Accepted 10-3-2019
4. Lubna Khlaid, Ahmad Hussain (2019) From Theory to Practice: Classroom Application of Outcome-Based Education in SZABIST Schools at Larkana, Pakistan, 3rd International Social Sciences and Humanities Berlin Conference, Berlin, 02-05 May, 2019
5. Ahmad Hussain, Syed Murtuza Mehdi, Amjad Ali, Muhammad Adeel, Mohammed Hassan Jabal, Farid Nasir Ani (2018)Investigation of tribological characteristics of castor oil with mineral oil blends, First online 23 October(2018), Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences (JEAS), Vol 37 No 1 ( HEC Recognized X – Category Journal)
6. Farhad Ali, Ahmad Hussain, Yasmin Nergis,, Mughal Sharif, Sadaf Faryal Shah, Absar Ahmed Khan (2018) Impact of Eutrophication on Shallow Marine Water near Karachi , Coast, Pakistan, Proceedings of the Pakistan Academy of Sciences: Pakistan Academy of Sciences B. Life and Environmental Sciences 55 (2): 27–36 (HEC – Y Category Journal)
7. Shamoon Jamshed, Shafiq Rehman Qureshi, Aqueel Shah, Ahmad Hussain (2018) Investigation of Entropy Generation Rate and its Minimization in Helical Grooved Tubes, Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology (Springer), Accepted Article. Impact Factor = 1.194
8. Maaz Akhtar, Sayyad Zahid Qamar, Syed Murtuza Mehdi, Ahmad Hussain (2018) Diffusion-based swelling in elastomers under low- and high-salinity brine, Journal of Elastomers & Plastics, 51 (1): 75-84, First Online 9 September 2018 (IF = 0.783)
9. Ahmad Hussain, Murtuza Mehdi, Maaz Akhtar, Farid Nasir Ani, Iqbal Ahmed (2018) Combustion Performance of Diesel Palm Olein Fuel: A Combined CFD and Experimental Approach, Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, Volume 43, Issue 3: pp 1291–1300 Impact Factor = 0.86
10. Ahmad Hussain, Syed Murtuza Mehdi, Amjad Ali, Muhammad Adeel, Mohammed Hassan Jabal, Farid Nasir Ani (2018) Investigation of tribological characteristics of castor oil with mineral oil blends, Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences (JEAS), Vol 37 No. 1 .(HEC Recognized X – Category Journal)
11. Farhad Ali, Ahmad Hussain, Yasmin Nergis, Mughal Sharif, Sadaf Faryal Shah (2018) Impact of Eutrophication on Shallow Marine Water near Karachi Coast, Pakistan, Proceedings of the Pakistan Academy of Sciences, 55 (2): 27–36 ( HEC Recognized X – Category Journal)
12. Murtuza Mehdi, Maaz Akhtar, Ahmad Hussain, Muhammad Nauman, Dheya Shuja Alothmany, Iqbal Ahmed and Kyung-Hyun Choi (2017) Dip coated stretchable and bendable PEDOTPSS films on low modulus micro-bumpy PDMS substrate, Journal of Polymer Engineering, Published ahead of printing,
Impact Factor = 0.66
13. Ahmad Hussain, Murtuza Mehdi, Maaz Akhtar, Farid Nasir Ani, Iqbal Ahmed (2017) Combustion Performance of Diesel Palm Olein Fuel: A Combined CFD and Experimental Approach, Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, Accepted Article in Press.
Impact Factor = 0.86
14. Yasmin Nergis, Mughal Sharif, Ahmad Hussain, Jawad A Butt1 and Yusra Tahir (2017) Reed Bed Technology and Recharging on Groundwater: Mitigating the Climate Effect of Coastal Areas, Journal of Earth Science & Climatic Change 8:7, DOI: 10.4172/2157-7617.1000406 Impact Factor = 1.06
15. Ahmad Hussain, Shahid Ali, Iqbal Ahmed, Jolius Gimbun, Muhammad H. Albeirutty and Zulfiqar Ahmad Rehan (2016) Microwave Reinforced Transesterification of Rubber Seed Oil Using Waste Cement Clinker Catalyst, Current Nanoscience Volume 12 (E-pub ahead of print). Impact Factor = 1.096
16. Syed Murtuza Mehdi,Maaz Akhtar, Ahmad Hussain (2016) CFD Study of Liquid Sodium inside a Wavy Tube for Laminar Convectors: Effect of Reynolds Number, Wave Pitch and Wave Amplitude, Mathematical Problems in Engineering , Volume 2016, Article ID 6146195, 7 pages
Impact Factor = 1.381
17. Syed Murtuza Mehd, Maaz Akhtar, Ahmad Hussain (2016) Electromechanical Response of Dip-coated Silver Films on Micro Bumpy Polymer Surface, Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, doi:10.1007/s13369-016-2358-
Impact Factor = 0.4
18. Zainal Abidin Yusof, Iqbal Ahmed, Ahmad Hussain (2015) Thermal Evaluation of Diesel/Hydrogen Peroxide Fuel Blend, Chemical Engineering Technology 38, No. 12, 2170–2180. Impact Factor = 2.44
19. Ahmad Hussain, Fouad Abulaban, Syed Khubaib, Sajjad Mubin (2015) Steady state and transient thermalhydraulic analysis of PHWR using COBRA-3C/RERTR, Iranian Journal of Science and Technology – Transaction of Mechanical Engineering, Vol. 39, No.M1, pp 233-242 Impact Factor = 0.53
20. Abdelkarim M. Hegab, Hani Hussain Sait Ahmad Hussain (2015) Impact of the Surface Morphology on the Combustion of Simulated Solid Rocket Motor, Mathematical Problems in Engineering Hindawi Publishing Corporation, Volume 2015, Article ID 485302,
Impact Factor = 1.381
21. Dheya Shujaa Al-Othmany, Ahmad Hussain, Essam Banoqitah (2015)High-Level Radioactive Waste Storage Feasibility for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, ISSN 1319-8025 Volume 40 Number 1:195-203, DOI 10.1007/s13369-014-1503-y Impact Factor = 0.4
22. Syed Waheed ul Hasan, Ahmad Hussain (2014) Date Palm Waste Gasification in Downdraft Gasifier and Simulation using ASPEN HYSYS Energy Conversion & Management 88:693-699 Impact Factor = 3.59
23. Mustafa Zaidi, Imran Amin, Ahmad Hussain, Nukman Yusoff (2014) Error assessment of laser cutting predictions by semi-supervised learning, Journal of Central South University (Springer) 221: 3736−3745 DOI: 10.1007/s11771-014-2357-x Impact Factor = 0.464
24. Fathi Djouider, Ahmad Hussain (2014) A laboratory study of the oxidation of non toxic Cr(III) to toxic Cr(VI) by OH. free radicals in simulated atmospheric water droplets conditions: Potential environmental impact Journal of Hazardous Materials (Elsevier) 276: 19-25 Impact Factor = 4.14
25. Abdullah Alshehri, Ahmad Hussain, Yousof Almubarak (2014) Energy Conversion Measures in the Industries of Saudi Arabia and Development of Methodology for Certification of Energy Personnel in the Kingdom, Energy Policy (Elsevier) 64: 203-208 Impact Factor = 3.382
26. Abdulkarim Hegab, Hani Hussain Sait, Ahmad Hussain, A.S. Said (2014) Numerical Modeling for the Combustion of Simulated Solid Rocket Motor Propellant, Computers and Fluids (Elsevier) 89: 29-37. Impact Factor = 1.830
27. Siti Nur Sakinah Jamaludin, S. Basri, Ahmad Hussain, Dheya Al-Othmany, F. Mustapha and Dewan Muhammad Nuruzzaman (2014) Three Dimensional Finite Element Modeling of Thermomechanical Problems in Functionally Graded Hydroxyapatite/Titanium Plate, Mathematical Problems in Engineering. Impact Factor = 1.380
28. Ahmad Hussain, Fouad Abolaban (2014) Nuclear Desalination: A Viable Option for Producing Fresh Water- Feasibility and Techno-Economic Studies, Life Science Journal 11(1): 301-307 Impact Factor = 0.167
29. Muhammad Yusuf, Abdelhamid Saoudi, Nazeeh Alothmany, Dheya Alothmany, Sameer Natto, Nurul Islam Molla, Noor Mail, Abdulraheem Abdulrahman Kinsara, Ahmad Hussain(2014) Characterization of the Optically Stimulated Luminescence nanoDot for CT Dosimetry, Life Science Journal 11. Impact Factor = 0.167
30. Ahmad Hussain, Iqbal Ahmed,Hani Hussain Sait, Mohamed Ismail Basayoni, Hegab, Abdelkarim Morsy Hegab, Syed Waheed, Farid Nasir Ani (2013) An Experimental and Simulation Study of Fluidization Behavior of Palm Biomass in a Circulating Fluidized Bed Riser, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 52: 17529−17537 DOI: 10.1021/ie401856b Impact Factor = 2.206
31. F. A. Abolaban, M. A. Najem, Ahmad Hussain, Majdi Alnowaimi, David Bradley (2013) Improving MVCBCT image quality using a Cu target with flattening filter-free LINAC, Life Sci J 2013;10(4):1624-1628]. (ISSN:1097-8135). ImpactFactor= 0.167
32. Mustafa Zaidi, Imran Amin, Ahmad Hussain, Nukman Yusoff (2013) Estimation of ANN Modelling of Laser Cutting with Missing Values, La Pensee 75 (10): 159-171.
Impact Factor = 0.06
33. Iqbal Ahmed, Ani Idris, Ahmad Hussain, Zainal A.M. Yusof, Muhammad Saad Khan (2013) Influence of Co-solvent Concentration on the Properties of Dope Solution and Performance of Polyethersulfone Membranes, Chemical Engineering & Technology (Wiley –VCH Verlag GmbH), 36 (10): 1-9 Impact Factor = 1.366
34. Skakaib, M., Iqbal, A., Rosli M. Yunus, Ani Idris, Hussain, A. (2013) Influence of Monosodium Glutamate Additive on Morphology and Permeability Characteristics of Polyamide Dialysis Membrane, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, Vol. 128, Issue 5: 3346-3355 DOI: 10.1002/APP.38377 Impact Factor = 1.395
35. Hani H. Sait, Ahmad Hussain, Arshad Adam Salema, Farid Nasir Ani (2012) Pyrolysis and combustion kinetics of date palm biomass using thermogravimetric analysis, Journal of Bioresource Technology (Elsevier), 118: 382-389 Impact Factor = 4.75
36. Abdelkarim Morsy Hegab, Hani HussainSait, Ahmad Hussain, Ashraf Balabel, Mahdi Almutawa, Fathi Djouider. Modeling Of Microscale Solid Rocket Composite Propellant. Life Sci J 2013; 10(4): 523-531]. (ISSN:1097-8135).
Impact Factor = 0.167
37. Mahdi AlMutawa, Ahmad Hussain, Abdekarim Morsy Hegab, Faheem Hassan Akhtar. Feasibility Studies of Solar Assisted Desalination Technology for the Coastal Areas of Rabigh Using Multi Effect Desalination Method and Its Lab-Scale Demonstration. Life Sci J 2013;10(3):2691-2697]. (ISSN: 1097-8135). Impact Factor = 0.167
38. Dheya O,Ashraf S, Ahmad H. Gamma Rays Transmission Densitometry of Distillation Columns and Development of a Computerized Expert System for Faulty Analysis, Life Sci J 2013;10(2):1613-1618]. (ISSN:1097-8135). 228 Impact Factor = 0.167
39. Iqbal, A., Hussain,A., I, Hasani, S.M.F., Shakaib, M., Yunus, R.M. (2012) Computational modeling for visualization of flow patterns in a membrane testing device, Journal of Separation and Purification Technology 90: 1-9 Impact Factor = 3.52
40. Iqbal Ahmed, Ahmad Hussain, Hani Hussain Sait (2017) High Performance Mini-Pump for Liquids, United States Patent Application Publication # US 2017/0184122 A1, Published 29 June 2017.
NON Impact Factor
41. Fareda Zeab , Uzma Ali , Ahmad Hussain (2016) A comparative study on mental health of working and non-working women in Pakistan: Stress, Journal of Research on Humanities and Social Sciences, Vol. 6 No. 5:8-14 Indexed in SCOPUS
42. Yasmin Nergis, Mughal Sahrif, Abdul Hameed Memon, Dheya AlOthmany, Khawar Naveed, Ahmad Hussain (2016) Ecosystem Approach And Hydrological Potential Study Of Port Qasim Industrial Coastal Zone Of Karachi Pakistan, Journal of Civil and Environmental Research, ISSN (Paper)2224-5790, ISSN (Online)2225-0514, Vol. 8 No. 2: 18-26 Indexed in SCOPUS
43. Yasmin Nergis, Mughal Sahrif, Ahmad Hussain, Khawar Naveed, Abdul Hameed Memon (2015) Ecosystem Approach and Hydrological Potential Study of Coastal area of Thatta Sindh, Pakistan, International Journal of Environmental Geology Vol:6(2): 52-55 HEC Recognized Journal (Y-category)
44. Amber Nasreen Anjum, Dheya Shujaa Al-Othmany, Ahmad Hussain (2015) Generalization of Motivational Factors in L2 Learners, Journal: International journal of Education & Practice Vol 6, No (30 ): 170-177 Indexed in SCOPUS
45. Ahmad Hussain, Naz Islam, Abdulraheem Abduklrahman Kinsara, Fouad Abolaban (2014) Need for a Safety Culture in the Nuclear Facilities of Saudi Arabia, Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research, Volume22 Issue12, Pages 1771-1781 Indexed in SCOPUS
46. Yasmin Nergis, Mughal Sharif, Afzal Farooq Choudhry, Ahmed Hussain, Jawad Abdullah Butt (2012) Impact of Industrial and Sewage Effluents on Karachi Coastal Water and Sediment Quality, Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research 11 (10): 1443-1454, ISSN 1990-9233 Indexed in SCOPUS
47. Sait, H., Hussain, A., Selim, A. (2012) Experimental investigation on freezing of water falling film on vertical bank of cold horizontal tubes, Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Applications – ASME Transaction, Vol. 4: 1-4 (Indexed in SCOPUS) Cited = 1
48. Hussain, A., Ani, F.N. and Darus, A. N. (2008). Gas-solid flow modelling in the riser of a circulating fluidised bed. International Journal of Modelling and Simulation, 28(1), IASTED, Acta Press. Calgary, CANADA Vol. 28 (1): 85- 90 Cited =3 Indexed in SCOPUS
49. Hussain, A., Ani, F.N., Sulaiman, N., Adnan, M. (2006). Combustion modeling of an industrial municipal waste combustor. International Journal of Environmental Studies, Taylor and Francis, 63(3): 313-329. Indexed in Scopus Cited =3
50. Hussain A., Ani, F.N, Darus, A.N., Mokhtar, H., Azam, S. and Mustafa, A. (2006) Thermochemical Behaviour of the Oil Palm Shell Waste in a Circulating Fluidized Bed Combustor (CFBC). Journal of Oil Palm Research., 18(1),:210-218 Imapact Factor =0.237
51. Hussain, A., Ani, F.N., Darus, A.N., Mustafa A. and Salema AA. (2005) Simulation studies of gas-solid in the riser of a circulating fluidized bed. Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Fluidised Bed Combustion, 22-25 May, Toronto, Ontario, Canada Indexed in SCOPUS Cited =3
52. Hussain, A., Ani, F.N, Darus, A.N., Mokhtar, H. and Azam, S. (2006) Thermogravimetric and kinetic study on the pyrolytic process of oil palm solid waste. Journal of Industrial Technology., 15 (1): 87-99 . Indexed in SCOPUS
53. Soomro, A., Samo, S.R., Hussain, A. (2012) Fluidization in Cold Flow Circulating Fluidized Bed System, Energy, Environment and Sustainable System, SpringerLink, 161-173, DOI:10.1007/978-3-7091-0109-417
54. Hussain, A., Ani, F.N. and Darus, A.N. (2005) Flow modelling to investigate the effect of riser exit geometries on the riser hydrodynamics of a CFB. Journal of Mechanical Engineering. 34: 1-10.
55. Hussain, A., Ani, F.N., Darus, A. N. and Ahmad, Z. (2006). Thermogravimetric and thermochemical studies of Malaysian oil palm shell waste. Jurnal Teknologi A., 45 (A), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia.
56. Hussain, A., Ani, F.N., Darus, A.N., Adnan, M. F. and Mustafa, A. (2006). Hydrodynamic and fluidization behaviour in a circulating fluidized bed. International Journal of Mechanical and Materials Engineering 1(1):18-23.
57. Ahmad Hussain, Dheya AlOthmany ( 2013) Design of Thermal Loop of a Compact Reactor, International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology Research Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 1-10: Published by European Centre for Research Training and Development, UK (
58. Ahmad Hussain, Dheya Al-Othmany (2013) Assessment of Aging of Zr-2.5Nb Pressure Tubes for Use in Heavy Water Reactor, Journal of Natural Sciences Research, Vol. 3, No. 2: 98-103
59. Ahmad Hussain, Dheya Al-Othmany (2013) Treatment and Conditioning of Spent Ion Exchange Resin from Nuclear Power Plant, Journal of Advances in Physics Theories and Applications, Vol. 15: 79-89
60. Hussain, A. (2012) CFD Modeling of Grate Furnace Designs for Municipal Solid Waste Combustion, Journal of Asian Transaction on Engineering, 2(3):41-50
61. Ahmad Hussain, Hani Hussain Sait (2012) CFD Modeling of the Dry Spent Fuel Storage of a Pressurized Heavy Water Reactor Mathematical Theory and Modeling, Vol.2, No.10: 11-20
62. M. Bassyouni, F. H. Akhtar, Hussain A. and A. Umer (2012) Biodiesel Production and Investigations on the Performance of Diesel Engine Using Jatropha Oil, Journal of Asian Transaction on Engineering, 2(3):77 – 88
63. Hussain, A., Akhtar, N. A (2011) Supervision and Evaluation Of Research Projects Of Graduate Students – Realities And Requirements, Journal of Quality and Technology Management, Vol. VIII, Issue 2: 123-137
64. Hussain, A., Nergis, Y. (2009) Quality Characterization and Magnitude of Pollution Implication in Textile Mills Effluents, Journal of Quality and Technology Management Vol. V(II): 27- 40
65. Sajjad Mubin, Ammad Hassan Khan and Ahmad Hussain (2008) Performance Optimization of Industrial Municipal Solid Waste Combustors – A Need of the Day to Convert Waste to Wealth, Journal of Pakistan Association for the Advancement of Science, 60 (12),1-10.
66. Hussain, A.,Velautham, S. (2008) Quality Assurance Criteria for Managers in Malaysian Energy Sector, Journal of Quality and Technology Management Vol. IV (II) 57-70
67. Hussain, A., Ani, F. N. (2007) Biomass Utilization for Green Environment: Co-combustion of Diesel Fuel and Producer Gas in Thermal Applications, Pakistan Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research,Vol. 50 (6):370-376 Indexed in SCOPUS
68. Nik, W.S., Hussain, A., Ani, F.N., Darus, F.N., Ali, Noraaini, A. and Eric, T.H.B. (2006) CFD modelling of industrial furnace designs for minimising emissions. Journal of Solid State Science and Technology Letters. 13(2): 204-205.
69. Hussain, A., Ani, F.N., Darus, A.N., Mokhtar, H., Azam, S., Sulaiman, N., Mustafa, A. and Ahmed, J. (2005) Thermogravimetric and Thermochemical studies of oil palm shell waste. Journal of the Pakistan Institute of Chemical Engineers. Vol. XXXIII: 1-7.
70. Hussain, A., Ani, F.N., Darus, A.N., Mokhtar, H., Azam, S., Sarpin, Z. and Ahmed, J. (2005) Combustion studies of Malaysian oil palm shell waste in a circulating fluidised bed combustor – Influence of primary air and CFBC temperature on emissions. Journal of the Pakistan Institute of Chemical Engineers. Vol. XXXIII: 27-39.
71. Hussain, A. and Ani, F.N. (2004) CFD flow modelling of riser exit geometries of a circulating fluidized bed. Mehran University Journal of Science & Technology. 24(3), pp 181-190.
72. Hussain, A., Ani, F. N., Darus, A.N., Mustafa, A., Akhtar, N.A. and Ahmed, J. (2004) Hydrodynamic Modeling of gas solid flow in the riser of a circulating fluidised bed using CFD. Journal of the Pakistan Institute of Chemical Engineers. Vol. XXXII: 75-82.
73. Hussain, A., and Ani, F.N. (2004). The effect of riser exit geometer on the hydrodynamics of a circulating fluidized bed. Mehran University Journal of Science & Technology. 24(2):141-148.
74. Hussain, A., Ani, F. N., Akhtar, N.A., Darus, A.N., Adnan, M.F., Mustafa, A., and Ahmed, J. (2004) Combustion Modeling of Municipal Waste Combustor in Malaysia. Journal of the Pakistan Institute of Chemical Engineers. Vol. XXXII: 1-11.
International and National Conference Proceedings
75. Bilal Soomro, Ahmad Hussain (2016) Modelling and Simulation of diffuser augmented wind turbine, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development November 01-03. 2016, Mehran University of Engineering and Technology, Jamshoro, Pakistan.
76. Azam Usto, Ahmad Hussain (2016) Production of Biofuel by Hydrothermal Liquefaction of Date PalmSeeds, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development November 01-03. 2016, Mehran University of Engineering and Technology, Jamshoro, Pakistan
77. Abdullah Alshehri, Ahmad Hussain (2016) Need of Energy Conversion Measures in Saudi Arabia and Methodology for Certification of Energy Personnel, Proceedings of the 6th International Mechanical Engineering Congress (SIMEC-2016)-15-16 July,2016, Karachi, Pakistan.
78. M. Ihsan Ul Haq, S.M. Khubaib, Umair Khalique, Ahmad Hussain (2016) Review of clean coal technologies for mitigation of carbon footprint,” Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Environmental Horizons, Karachi, 2016.
79. Umair Khalique, M. Ihsan Ul Haq, S.M. Khubaib, Ahmad Hussain (2016) Customized maintenance strategy to reduce the greenhouse gases emissions in domestic generators,” Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Environmental Horizons, Karachi, 2016.
80. S.M. Khubaib, M. Ihsan Ul Haq, Umair Khalique, Ahmad Hussain (2016) Economic and payback period evaluation of replacement of conventional lighting system with LEDs paired with solar energy,” Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Environmental Horizons, Karachi, 2016.
81. Mumtaz Ahmad, M. Ihsan ul Haq, Naveed Hussain, M. Tayyab Muneeb, Ahmad Hussain, Azeemuddin (2015) CFD analysis of a low head micro hydro kinetic turbine for northern areas of Pakistan, MDSRC – 2015 proceedings, 14-15 November, 2015 Wah/Pakistan
82. Ahmad Hussain, Majid Almotairi (2012) Effect of changing fuels on the combustion performance of an industrial boiler. Proceedings of the Winter Enrichment Program- Poster Competition, King Abdullah University, Thuwal, KSA, 21-28 January, Saudi Arabia.
83. Hani H. Sait, Ahmad Hussain (2012) Effects of Feeding Tubes Arrangement, Falling Film Behavior and Backsplash on Ice Formation around Horizontal Tubes Bundles, Proceedings of the International Conference on Nuclear & Renewable Energy Resources (NuRER) 2012, 20-23 May, Istanbul, Turkey.
84. Ahmad Hussain, Hani Sait, Afzal Haque, Sadiq Hussain (2012) Combustion Performance of Low Grade Duki Coal from Baluchistan, Proceedings of the UK-Pakistan Coal Conference, University of Leeds, 2-4 July, United Kingdom.
85. Abdullah, A.S., Hussain, A., Hani, H. S. (2012) THE EXISTENCE OF ENERGY MANAGERS IN AN INDUSTRY – A Need of the Time in the Energy Starved Environment- Proceedings of the HEFAT 2012, 16-18 July, Malta.
86. Sait, H. H, Hussain, A. (2011) Estimation Of Flow Accelerated Corrosion (FAC) in Feeder Pipes Using CFD Software FLUENT and its Low Temperature Experimental Determination, Proceedings of the Universiti Malaysia Terengganu 10th International Annual Symposium (UMTAS 2011), 11-13 July 2011., Malaysia.
87. Hussain, A., Ahmad, S. (2010) CFD Modeling of Dry Spent Fuel Storage of a Pressurized Heavy Water Reactor, Proceedings of the 7th International Bhurban Conference on Applied Sciences & Technology, Organized by National Centre for Physics, Quaid-e-Azam University and CESAT, Islamabad., 11-14 January
88. Hussain, A. (2010) Next Generations of Nuclear Power Plants – Realities & Requirements, Proceedings of the Institution of Electrical & Electronics Engineers (IEEEP) Symposium, Organized by IEEEP, Karachi Centre, 17-18 March.
89. Hussain, A. (2010) Role of Energy Mangers in Our industry and Energy Conservation Studies for a Typical Power Plant, Proceedings of the Third National Conference on Energy Resources of Pakistan, Organized by Quaid-e-Awam University, Nawabshah, 18-20 March
90. Hussain, A., Nik, W.S., Ani, F.N., Darus, F.N., Ali, Noraaini, A. and Eric, T.H.B. (2006) CFD modelling of industrial furnace designs for minimising emissions. Proceedings of the International Conference on Solid State Science and Technology (ICSSST), 4-6 September, Kuala Terengganu, Malaysia.
91. Hussain, A., Ani, F.N, Darus, A.N., Mokhtar, H., Azam, S., Sulaiman, N. and Mustafa, A. (2006). An investigation into the thermochemical behaviour of the Malaysian oil palm shell wastes & coal blends and its combustion studies in a circulating fluidized bed. Proceedings of the International Conference on Agricultural Wastes, 21-22 March, Faculty of Environment Studies, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Serdang, Malaysia.
92. Hussain, A. and Ani, F.N. (2006) Co-Combustion of Diesel Fuel Oil and Producer Gas from Biomass Gasification for Thermal Applications. Proceedings of the Pakistan Oil Gas and Energy Exhibition 2006 (POGEE 2006), 18-19 May, Karachi, Pakistan.
93. Hussain, A., Ani, F.N. and Darus, A.N. (2006) Pyrolysis Characteristics and Kinetics of Palm Shell Waste Mixtures with Mukah Balingian Coal. Proceedings of the International Conference on Energy and Environment (ICEE 2006), 28-30 August, Universiti Tenaga Nasional, Kajang, Malaysia.
94. Hussain, A., Ani, F.N. and Darus, F.N. (2006) Pyrolysis behaviour and kinetics of palm shell waste mixtures with low grade coal and its combustion studies in a circulating fluidised bed. Proceedings of the Seminar on Energy from Biomass 2006, Organised by Forest Research Institute of Malaysia (FRIM), 25-26 July, Kepong, Kuala Lumpur.
95. Hussain, A., Sani, W.N., Ani, F.N. and Wahid, M.K. (2006) An Investigation into the Thermogravimetric Analysis and Kinetic Parameters of the Sarawak Coal and its Blends with Oil Palm Shell Waste. Proceeding of the KUSTEM 5th Annual Seminar on Sustainability Science and Management, 2-3 May, Kuala Terengganu, Malaysia.
96. Ani, F.N., Hussain, A., Yi, L.X. and Mohamed, A.F. (2006) Combustion of diesel fuel and producer gas in thermal applications. Proceedings of the National Conference & Expo 2006 – Waste to Wealth, 10-11 July, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
97. Hussain, A., Ani, F.N., Darus, A.N., Puad, M. and Katiravale, S. (2006) Thermogravimetric and Kinetic Studies of Sarawak Coals and its Blends with Oil Palm Shell Waste. Proceedings of the National Conference & Expo 2006 – Waste to Wealth, 10-11 July, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
98. Hussain, A., Ani, F.N. and Darus, A.N. (2006) Thermal Behaviour of Coal/Biomass Blends during Co-Pyrolysis. Proceedings of the 1st Regional Post Graduate Conference on Engineering and Science 2006 (RPCES 2006), 26-27 July, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Johor Bharu, Malaysia.
99. Hussain, A., Ani, F.N. and Darus, A.N. (2006) Investigation on Co-Combustion Characteristics of Palm Shell Waste and Coal in Circulating Fluidized Bed Combustor. Proceedings of the 1st Regional Post Graduate Conference on Engineering and Science 2006 (RPCES 2006), 26-27 July, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Johor Bharu, Malaysia.
100. Hussain, A., Ani, F.N., Mustafa, A., Mamat, Z.A., Zardi, Z. and Aziz, A. (2005) Combustion studies of blended fuel oil as an alternative fuel for industrial gas turbines (AFTUR) and controlling NOx and soot emissions. Proceedings of the3rd Pakistan’s Oil, Gas and Energy Exhibition (POGEE), 19-20 May, Karachi, Pakistan.
101. Hussain, A., Ani, F.N., Darus, A.N., Mustafa A. and Salema AA. (2005) Simulation studies of gas-solid in the riser of a circulating fluidized bed. Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Fluidised Bed Combustion, 22-25 May, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
102. Hussain, A., Ani, F.N. and Darus, A.N. (2005) Fluidization characteristics of a circulating fluidized bed. Proceedings of the National Mechanical Engineering Conference (NAME ‘05), 18-20 May, University Teknologi Mara, Malaysia, 391-400
103. Hussain, A., Ani, F.N. and Darus, A.N. (2005) Hydrodynamics of a circulating fluidized bed. Proceedings of the International conference in recent advances in Mechanical and Materials Engineering (ICRAMME 2005), 30-31 May, University of Malaya, Malaysia.
104. Hussain A., Ani, F.N, Darus, A.N., Mokhtar, H., Azam, S., Sarpin, Z. and Mustafa, A. (2005) Experimental and numerical studies of fluidization in a circulating fluidized bed. Proceedings of the International Energy Conference, 5-7 August, Jakarta, Indonesia.
105. Hussain A., Ani, F.N, Darus, A.N., Mokhtar, H., Azam, S., Sarpin, Z. and Mustafa, A. (2005) Combustion studies of the palm shell waste powder in a circulating fluidized bed combustor (CFBC) – influence of primary air and CFBC temperature on emissions. Proceedings of the International Energy Conference, 5-7 August, Jakarta, Indonesia.
106. Hussain, A., Ani, F.N., Darus, A. N. and Mustafa, A. (2005). Experimental and computational studies of the hydrodynamics of the riser of a CFB, Proceedings of the Brunei International Conference on Engineering and Technology (BICET 2005), 15-18 August, Brunei Darussalam.
107. Azam, S., Hussain, A., Ani, F.N, Darus, A.N., Mokhtar, H., Sulaiman, N. and Mustafa, A. (2005) Utilization of oil palm shell waste in a circulating fluidized bed combustor (CFBC). Proceedings of the International Advanced Technology Congress, Universiti Putra Malaysia, 6-8 December, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
108. Hussain, A., Ani, F.N. and Darus, A.N. (2004) Flow modelling to investigate the effect of riser exit geometries on the riser hydrodynamics of a circulating fluidized bed. Proceedings of the International Conference on Scientific and Engineering Computation, June 30 – July 02 Singapore.
109. Hussain, A., Ani, F.N. and Darus, A.N. (2004). Turbulence modelling of a circulating fluidized bed. Proceedings of the 17th International symposium on Analytical Science: Trends, Challenges and Opportunities, 24-26 August, 2004, Kuantan, Malaysia.
110. Hussain, A., Ani, F.N. and Darus, A.N. (2004) Simulation of Gas-Solid Flow Behaviour in the Riser Section of a circulating Fluidized Bed using Computational Fluid Dynamics Software. Proceedings of the JGSEE and Kyoto University Conference on Sustainable Energy and Environment (SEE), 1-3 December, Thailand.
111. Hussain, A., Ani, F.N. and Darus, A.N. (2004) A computational study of the hydrodynamics of a circulating fluidized bed using CFD software FLUENT. Proceedings of the 7th Asia-Pacific International Symposium on Combustion and Energy Utilization (7th APISCEU), 15-17 December, Hong Kong.
112. Hussain, A. and Ani, F.N. (2004) A computational study of gas-solid flow in the riser of a circulating fluidized bed. Proceedings of the KUSTEM 3rd annual seminar: Role of Environment Sciences and Technology in Sustainable Development of Resources, 4-5 May, Terengganu, Malaysia.
113. Hussain, A., Ani, F.N., Adnan, M.F., Surjosatyo, A., Mustafa, A. and Nik, W.B. (2004) CFD modelling of an industrial municipal solid waste combustor. Proceedings of the Symposium of Malaysian Chemical Engineers (SOMChE 2004), December 13-14, Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Ipoh, Perak, Malaysia.
114. Hussain, A., Ani, F.N., Darus, A N., Mustafa, A. and Nik, W.B. (2004) Numerical study on the influence of various physical parameters over the gas solid two phase flow in the 3D riser of a circulating fluidized bed. Proceedings of the Symposium of Malaysian Chemical Engineers (SOMChE 2004), December 13-14, Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Ipoh, Perak, Malaysia.
115. Nik, W.B., Ani, F. N., Masjuki, H H., Hussain, A. and Bulat, K. H. (2004) Thermal stability of crop oil as energy transport media in hydraulic system. Proceedings of the Symposium of Malaysian Chemical Engineers (SOMChE 2004), December 13-14, Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Ipoh, Perak, Malaysia.
• HEC Approved Supervisor
• Post-Doc (Materials Modelling) University of Manchester,UK, 2008
• PhD (Mechanical Engineering) University of Manchester,UK, 2007
• MS (Mechanical Engineering) KFUPM, Dhahran,Saudi Arabia,1996
• BSc (Mechanical Engineering) UET, Lahore, 1993
Research Interests:
• Composite Materials
• Thermal & Structural FEA, HPC
• X-Ray Computed Tomography
• Image-based Modeling
• Bari, Khan, Lowe, Farooqi – Measurement of Thermal Diffusivity for Alumina Borosilicate Glass Bearing TRISO Fuel Particles_Experiment and Modelling Correlation – Journal of Materials Science – v48 n14 pp4866 2013
• Ali, Buckthorpe, Cheyene, Farooqi, Mummery – Comparative Study of Predictive Finite Element Methods for Mechanical Properties in 2D Woven Carbon/Carbon Composites, Advanced Materials Science – v59 pp116 2009
• Farooqi, Sheikh – Finite Element Modelling of Thermal Transport in Ceramic Matrix Composite – Computational Materials Science – v37 n3 pp361 2006
• Ali, Farooqi, Buckthorpe, Cheyene, Mummery – Comparative Study of Predictive FE Methods for Mechanical Properties of Nuclear Composites – Journal of Nuclear Materials – n3 v383 pp247 2009
• Khan, Al-Sulaiman, Farooqi, Younas – Fatigue Life Predictions in Woven Carbon Fabric/Polyester Composites based on Modulus Degradation – Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites – n5 v20 pp377 2001
• Khan, Al-Sulaiman, Farooqi – Fatigue Damage Characterization in Plain-Weave Carbon-Carbon Fabric Reinforced Plastic Composites – Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites – Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites – n15 v17 pp1320 1998
• Mokheimer, Antar, Farooqi, Zubair – Analytical and Numerical Solution along with PC Spread-sheet Modeling for a Composite Fin – Heat and Mass Transfer – n4 v32 pp229 1997
Contact Information:
Phone: 021-35844868
QEC Secretariat
Extension: 114
Associate Professor & HOD (ME)
Journal Publications:
Publications | Impact Factor | Citations | i10-Index |
12 | 51 | 200+ | 5 |
• PhD (Mechanical Engineering) KFUPM, Saudi Arabia
• MS (Mechanical Engineering) KFUPM, Saudi Arabia
• BE (Mechanical Engineering) NUST, Pakistan
• Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering Department, DHA Suffa University
• Cluster Head – Mechanics cluster
Research Interests:
• Computational mechanics
• Homogenization methodologies
• Heterogeneous materials design
• Solar photovoltaic systems
• Evolutionary optimization
Research Projects (Ongoing and Completed) :
• Structural design of high-speed target drone Development of a photovoltaic powered reverseosmosis system
• Computational modeling and analysis of thermal barrier coatings
• Development of improved ceramic substrate material for power electronics applications
• Development of improved computational model for estimation of thermal conductivity of nanocomposites
• Siddiqui, Muhammad Usama and Abul Fazal M. Arif. 2016. Generalized Effective Medium Theory for Particulate Nanocomposite Materials. Materials 9(8):694. (Impact Factor: 2.94)
• Siddiqui, M. U. and Abul Fazal M. Arif. 2016. A Computational Approach for the Constitutive Modeling of Elastoplastic Behavior of Metal Matrix Composites. International Journal of Computational Methods 14(2): 1750058. (Impact Factor: 1.12)
• Siddiqui, Muhammad Usama, Abul Arif, and Salem Bashmal. 2016. Permeability-Selectivity Analysis of Microfiltration and Ultrafiltration Membranes: Effect of Pore Size and Shape Distribution and Membrane Stretching. Membranes 6(3):40. (Impact Factor: 2.12)
• M. U. Siddiqui, A. F. M. Arif, N. Saheb and M. S. Khan. 2017. Constitutive modeling of elastoplasticity in spark-plasma sintered metal-matrix nanocomposites. Materials Science and Engineering: A 689:176-188 (Impact Factor: 2.65)
• S. S. Akhtar, M. U. Siddiqui, Kabeer Raza, A. S. Hakeem, L. T. Kareem, A. F. M. Arif. 2017. Computational and experimental study on the effective properties of Alumina/Nickel Composite. Accepted in Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology (Impact Factor: 1.53)
• Nouari Saheb, Najam Ul Qadir, Muhammad Usama Siddiqui, Abul Fazal Muhammad Arif, Syed Sohail Akhtar and Nasser Al-Aqeeli. 2014. Characterization of Nanoreinforcement Dispersion in Inorganic Nanocomposites: A Review. Materials 7:4148-81. (Impact Factor: 2.94)
• S. S. Akhtar, L. T. Kareem, A. F. M. Arif, M. U. Siddiqui, A.S. Hakeem. Development of a Ceramic-based Composite for Direct Bonded Copper Substrate. Ceramics International 43(6):5236-5246 (Impact Factor: 2.76)
• Siddiqui, M. Usama, A. F. M. Arif, Leah Kelley, and Steven Dubowsky. 2012. Three-Dimensional Thermal Modeling of a Photovoltaic Module under Varying Conditions. Solar Energy 86(9):2620-31. (Impact Factor: 3.68)
• Siddiqui, M. U. and A. F. M. Arif. 2013. Electrical, Thermal and Structural Performance of a Cooled PV Module: Transient Analysis Using a Multiphysics Model. Applied Energy 112:300-312. (Impact Factor: 5.75)
• Siddiqui, M. U., A. F. M. Arif, A. M. Bilton, S. Dubowsky, and M. Elshafei. 2013. An Improved Electric Circuit Model for Photovoltaic Modules Based on Sensitivity Analysis. Solar Energy 90:29-42. (Impact Factor: 3.68)
• Siddiqui, M. U. and M. Abido. 2013. Parameter Estimation for Five- and Seven-Parameter Photovoltaic Electrical Models Using Evolutionary Algorithms. Applied Soft Computing 13(12):4608-21. (Impact Factor: 2.86)
• Hasan, Osama, A. F. M. Arif, and M. U. Siddiqui. 2013. Finite Element Modeling, Analysis, and Life Prediction of Photovoltaic Modules. Journal of Solar Energy Engineering 136(2):21022. (Impact Factor: 1.44)
• Siddiqui, M. U. and A. F. M. Arif. 2012. Effect of Changing Atmospheric and Operating Conditions on the Thermal Stresses in PV Modules. in ASME ESDA 2012 Vol. 2. Nantes France.
• Hasan, Osama, A. F. M. Arif, and M. U. Siddiqui. 2012. Finite Element Modeling and Analysis of Photovoltaic Modules. in Proceedings of the ASME 2012 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition. Housten, Texas.
• Siddiqui, M. U. and A. F. M. Arif. 2014. Computational Homogenization of Metal Matrix Composites. in Proceedings of the 25th CANCAM. London, Ontario, Canada.
• Siddiqui, M. U. and A. F. M. Arif. 2016. Estimation of Thermal Conductivity of Nanocomposites with Non-Uniformly Distributed Inclusions. in 24th International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (ICTAM 2016). Montréal, Québec, Canada.
• Akhtar, S. S., A. Bin Ali, M. U. Siddiqui, A. F. M. Arif, and Amir Al-Ahmad. 2016. Development of Graphene-Filled Polymer Nanocomposites for Enhanced Thermal Conductivity. in 3rd International Conference on Structural Nano Composites (NANOSTRUC 2016). Aberdeen, Scotland.
• Akhtar, S. S., A. F. M. Arif, M. U. Siddiqui, H. K. R. Chishti, and L. T. Kareem. 2016. Computational Design and Development of Alumina-Nickel Droplet Composites. in Proceedings of the ASME 2016 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition. Phoenix, AZ, USA.
• Muhammad Usama Siddiqui, Abul Fazal Muhammad Arif and Syed M. Zubair. Heat Exchanger for Photovoltaic Panels. Patent number 20150280040.
Publications | Impact Factor | Patents | Citations | i10-Index |
22 | 43.8 | 1 | 456 | 11 |
Contact Information:
• PhD (Mechanical Engineering) ENSMA, Poitiers, France
• MS (Mechanical Engineering) Université de Poitiers, France
• BE (Mechanical) NEDUET, Karachi, Pakistan
• Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering Department, DHA Suffa University
• Cluster Head – Thermofluids cluster
• Assistant Professor, Dawood University of Engineering and Technology, Karachi
• Assistant Manager, SUPARCO, Karachi
• Lecturer, NED University
Research Interests:
• Computational Fluid Dynamics
• High-Speed Flows
• Compressible Turbulence
• Immersed Boundary Methods
• Higher-Order Numerical Schemes
• Aeroacoustics
Research Projects (Ongoing and Completed) :
• EPSRC project, “Quiet Aerofoils of the Next Generation” (April 2016-August 2018)
• Developed an in-house 3-dimensional finite volume Navier-Stokes solver for compressible flow simulations with immersed boundary methods for City University of London, UK (Sep 2014 to Mar 2016)
• M. F. Shahab, G. Lehnasch, T. B. Gatski and P.Comte. Statistical characteristics of an isothermal, supersonic boundary layer flow from DNS data. Flow Turbul. Combust. vol. 86(3-4), 369-397, 2011
• M. F. Shahab, P. Comte, G. Lehnasch and T. B. Gatski. Analysis of Boundary Layer Structure Downstream of a Shock Impingement. 9th International ERCOFTAC Symposium on Engineering Turbulence Modelling and Measurements, Thessaloniki, Greece, 2012
• M. F. Shahab, G. Lehnasch, T. B. Gatski and P.Comte. Post-shock downstream evolution of turbulent boundary layer based on quadrant analysis, 20eme Congrés Français de Mécanique, Besançon, France, 2011
• M. F. Shahab, G. Lehnasch, T. B. Gatski and P. Comte. Influence of wall cooling on the statistics of a supersonic turbulent boundary layer flow. 8th International ERCOFTAC Symposium on Engineering Turbulence Modelling and Measurements, Marseille, France,
• M. F. Shahab , G. Lehnasch , T. B. Gatski, and P. Comte. Probing high-speed wall-bounded flows using DNS. 45th Symposium of Applied Aerodynamics, Marseille, France, 2010
• M. F. Shahab, G. Lehnasch, T. B. Gatski and P. Comte. DNS of a spatially developing, supersonic turbulent boundary layer flow over a cooled wall. 6th International Symposium on Turbulence, Heat and Mass Transfer, Rome, Italy, 2009
• M. F. Shahab, G. Lehnasch, T. B. Gatski and P. Comte. Statistical Characteristics of the Interaction of an Impinging Shock Wave and Turbulent Boundary Layer. Sixth International Symposium on Turbulent Shear Flow Phenomena, Seoul, Korea, 2009
Publications | Impact Factor | Citations | i10-Index |
14 | 4.9 | 50+ | 1 |
Significant Achievements:
• Gold Medalist, BE (mechanical), NEDUET
• Declared as Star Laureate 2005 in XVIth Star Awards 2005
Contact Information:
• MSc (Advanced Manufacturing Technology), University of Manchester, UK
• BE (Mechanical), NED University
• Lecturer, Institute of Business Management, Karachi
• Assistant Manager (Operations), M&Q Ltd. Manchester, UK
Research Interests:
• 3D Printing
Contact Information:
Extension: 155
• MS (Energy Systems), Middle East Technical University-NCC, Turkey
• BE (Mechanical), NED University
Research Interests:
• Thermofluids, Energy systems
Contact Information:
Extension: 153
(On Study Leave)
• MS (Materials and Surface Engineering), NUST, Islamabad
• BE (Metallurgy), NED University
Research Interests:
• Corrosion, Coatings and Fracture Analysis
Contact Information:
Extension: 205
Senior Lecturer, Mechanical Engineering Department, DHA Suffa University
Lecturer Mechatronics Engineering Department, KIET (3+ years experience)
Trainee Engineer Indus Motor Company (1 year experience)
Research Interests:
Dioxide Re-compression Brayton Cycle. Applied Sciences 2020, 10,1129 (Impact factor 2.7 )
Publications | Impact Factor | Citations |
3 | 22.1 | 73 |
Contact Information:
Ext: 228
• ME (Manufacturing), NED University
• BE (Industrial & Manufacturing), NED University
Research Interests:
• Lean Manufacturing
Contact Information:
Extension: 347
• M.Engg (Materials Engineering), NED University
• BE (Metallurgy), NED University
Research Interests:
• Shape Memory Alloys
• Biomaterials
• Fatigue life of SMAs and Renewable Energy
Contact Information:
Extension: 156
● MSc (Automotive Engineering), International Islamic University Malaysia, Gombak.
● BE (Mechatronics), SZABIST, Karachi.
● Instrumentation & Control Engineer, MEC Pvt Ltd (Yokogawa Pakistan)
● Research Assistant, International Islamic University Malaysia
Research Interests:
● Structural Mechanics
● Vehicle Dynamics
● Finite Element Analysis
● Khatri, N. A., Darsivan, F. J., Faris, W. F., & Ismail, A. F. (2020). Fatigue Life Study of Suspension Ball Joints on the Basis of Ride Quality. International Journal of Vehicle Noise and Vibration, 16(1/2), 69–84.
● Khatri, N. A., Darsivan, F. J., & Faris, W. F. (2019). Effect of Ride Quality on the Reaction Forces of a Lower Arm Ball Joint. 5th International Conference on Recent Advances in Automotive Engineering & Mobility Research (ReCAR).
● Khatri, N. A., Shaikh, H., Maher, Z. A., Shah, A., & Ahmed, S. F. (2018). A Review on Optimization of Vehicle Frontal Crashworthiness for Passenger Safety. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7, 1–4.
● Rashied, Z., Hamees, M., Hassan, M. U., Hameed, S., & Khatri, N. A. (2016). Real Time Implementation of Robust PID Controller for Stabilization of Ball Balancing Beam. International Journal of Conceptions on Information Technology and Computing, 4(2), 6–9.
● Project Management Professional (PMP), IBA Karachi
● Control Valve Fundamentals for Sales Professionals – Baker Hughes
● Foundations for Implementing Root Cause Analysis – SAE International
● PMMI Mechatronics: Programmable Logic Controllers 1 – FATEK Automation Corporation
● Creative Problem Solving – University of Minnesota (Online)
● Successful Negotiation: Essential Strategies and Skills – University of Michigan (Online)
● Email:
● Extension: 154
ME (Mechanical Engineering), DHA Suffa University
BE (Mechanical Engineering), NEDUET
Research Interests
* Wind Energy Systems
* Solar Energy Systems
* Thermofluids
* Machine Learning