Mechanical Engineering Lab

Materials Lab

This laboratory contains all the required and highly sensitive materials testing equipment imported from various international suppliers. The equipment includes Universal Material Tester, Charpy Impact Tester, Torsion Tester, Hardness Tester, Polariscope, Strain Gauge Kit and Metallographic Microscope to name a few. The materials laboratory has also procured state-of-the-art specimen preparation equipment for metallographic analysis. The equipment helps in the preparation of samples for metallographic analysis under metallographic microscope. In addition, for advanced research in nanotechnology, the laboratory has been equipped with an Atomic Force Microscope (AFM) capable of resolving surface features on the order of fractions of a nanometer.

Machines Lab

The Machines Lab aims to develop an understanding of mechanical components such as drives (gear, belt and chain), governors, gyroscope, flywheel, cams and related hardware. Further, it also caters to the curriculum requirements of Mechanical Vibrations curriculum relating to spring-mass damper systems, static and dynamic balancing and forced vibration studies of multi-order systems. With the integration of instrumentation and aerodynamics equipment, this lab has become a hub for students undertaking projects of national and international stature.

Mechanics Lab

Mechanics Laboratory at DSU is prepared according to the requirements of various ME courses. The lab demonstration and practicals are designed to facilitate explanation of the concepts of applied mechanics. These laboratory exercises include explanation of effects of peripheral forces such as in torsion, structural behavior under applied forces in buckling, straight and curvilinear beam bending measurements, calculations and stress analysis of trusses, stress and strain measurements, thin and thick cylinders etc.

CIM Center

A state-of-the-art Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM) Center has been established with the aim to educate students with principles of modern manufacturing equipment, such as 3D scanners and 3D printers. In addition, an industrial-sized 3-axis CNC Milling Machine has been deployed in the first phase. The deployment of industrial robots, machine vision and CNC lathe will follow in the second phase. Thus, in this laboratory, students undertake lab classes related to CAD/CAM and are able to develop a part from the initial concept to the final form.

Engineering Workshop-I (Machine Tools)

For this workshop, state-of-the-art and highly accurate lathe and milling machines have been procured from international vendors to provide our students with hands-on experience on the lines of industrial trends. The coursework is aimed to enhance the students learning in machining of wood and metal parts as they are processed at industrial workshops. The variety of cutting tools available in the machine shop allow students to perform various operations including facing, turning, parting, threading, drilling, boring, knurling, slab milling, face milling and many more.

Engineering Workshop-II (Metal-work & Bench-fitting)

This section of the workshop has been designed to educate our students in bench fitting works carried out by hand tools. Students are made to practice essential wood and metal working jobs. A wide range of hand tools like chisels, planers, hand saws, mallets, files, marking gauges etc are available for the students so that they can learn to perform related functions and eventually understand various jobs that are carried out manually. This is geared towards their understanding of Engineering Management on the shop-floor.

Thermo-Fluids Lab

The Thermo-Fluids Laboratory was developed to demonstrate and understand the laws of fluid mechanics and thermodynamics. Training units have been deployed in order to help the students in understanding the mechanisms of fluids, such as those presented in Bernoulli Theorem, the Venturi Principle, turbines, and characteristics of pumps in their different modes of functioning. On the other hand, the thermodynamics section covers the working mechanism of heat pumps, steam engine mechanism and different refrigeration and air conditioning cycles.

Computer Aided Engineering (CAE) Centre

The CAE Center of the Mechanical Engineering Department is equipped with medium-end workstations that have sufficient memory, computational power, and GPU resources necessary for 3D CAD, rendering, structural analysis (FEA), and fluid flow analysis (CFD). The CAE Center offers an enabling and congenial environment for undergraduate and graduate students of the ME Department, as well as trainees. They have access to licensed software such as AutoCAD, PTC CREO, SolidWorks, ANSYS Mechanical, and ANSYS CFD, among others. Furthermore, students can benefit from exclusive learning materials available through respective portals, giving them an added advantage in enhancing their learning experiences. The CAE Center, led by highly qualified faculty members from both domestic and international backgrounds, offers a wide range of training courses and certifications in the field of CAD/CAE. These programs cater to students, graduates, and industry professionals alike, providing them with valuable skills and expertise in the domain.